Monday, October 21, 2024

Back Home 10/21/24

 Hello My Friends,

I am back home again.  Actually I got back last Thursday as planned, but continued my break from computer land for a few more days.  First of all, I am sorry to report that Marcel did not make it.  Colin & Mailing had him put down last Friday evening.  He had stopped eating (again) and, as Colin said, he could tell it was time.  Hard, but time.  They adopted/rescued Marcel and Talbot at the same time.  Marcel was only 4 months old.  He was Colin's work-from-home companion - hanging out on Colin's desk or somewhere in his office.  He was such a good kitty and he is missed terribly.  I do hope that Talbot will be ok and not miss his buddy too much.

Meanwhile, my quick little get-away was very peasant.  Our AirBnB was lovely - spacious (3 bedrooms, 2 baths), a really nice kitchen and comfy living room.  We just hung around the house on Tuesday.  Wednesday we drove to a local bookstore and then walked down to the beach.  There were some jazzy skeletons along the way:

The day was gorgeous, but quite windy and I was rather chilly.  Carol walked down to the water and took some pictures.

Blue, blue skies.  Even though we were there in the off season, traffic was crazy.  I'd hate to see it mid-summer!!  But, parking was free at this time of year which is nice and we had a great seafood dinner Wednesday night at Fins and then, too soon, it was time to leave Thursday morning.

Friday I caught up on laundry and Saturday I cooked.  Colin & Mailing were coming over to get some furniture from us, so they stayed for dinner.  I made eggplant caponata in the morning and the guys grilled wings.  We also had Brussels sprouts and some winter squash.  I made a Nantucket cranberry and walnut cake for dessert.  

It was nice enough that we had a fire after dinner.

Sunday was a lazy day and then yesterday we saw our first frog on the patio this year!  Who would have guessed that one would show up in October?

Luckily Mabel was elsewhere when froggy showed up.

Now it's back to routines.  I need to pick up a prescription and there are a few chores that should be taken care of.  Whatever your Monday holds for you, I hope it's a good one!


  1. Welcome home! I'm glad you had such a nice, relaxed vacation but I'm sad to hear about Marcel. It's good that he did not suffer and I also hope that Talbot doesn't miss his friend too much. I wouldn't mind a piece of that cranberry and walnut cake for breakfast!

  2. Sounds like a nice getaway. So sorry to read about Marcel.

  3. I'm so sad to hear about Marcel. It's so hard when our pets pass on. I hope C&M - and Talbot - are adjusting as best they can. Despite that bad news, it sounds like you had a lovely get-away and a relaxing weekend! Sending good juju your way. XO

  4. Oh, Marcel. I'm so sorry to hear of this loss. Talbot will have a lovely new distraction soon though!

  5. So sorry to hear about Marcel. I remember our cat, Duncan, being depressed for a little while when Roxie died & he suddenly became an "only cat" -- and he didn't even get along with her!!

    Your getaway sounds lovely -- and too short! Maybe you need a repeat! ;) I had two women at mine (open again at last!) a couple of weeks ago & they've already booked again for this weekend!!

  6. I'm glad your time away was enjoyable but sorry you got home to such sad news. I hope they're all doing okay, especially Talbot. It's got to be hard to be suddenly missing your companion. I'm sure he'll be getting lots of extra attention from C and M!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about Marcel. It's so hard to lose our beloved pets. I can't picture Fred and George without the other and I do hope Talbot won't be too lonely. Your table of food looks lovely!

  8. I am so sorry to hear about Marcel. Losing a pet is so painful. I've lost three kitties in the past year and I'm still grieving every one of them. The sad truth is that at my age I can't remedy the grief by welcoming anyone new anymore. That makes it so much harder.
    Your weekend sounds wonderful. I love those jazzy skellys!

  9. (sorry about Marcel ... I know he's missed) Glad your beach getaway was a good one - October is my favorite month to visit the Gulf beaches - fewer crowds and way better temperatures. Hope your reentry was easy today.
