Monday, October 7, 2024

Weekending 10/7/24

Good Morning One and All,

How are you this fine Monday morning?  I am doing well.  A bit groggy - not yet fully awake, but doing well nonetheless.  How was your weekend?  Mine was a nice quiet one.

Starting Thursday (because I'm retired, my weekend can start any time!  hahaha).  We put the final piece in the 299 cats and a dog puzzle.  

 It wasn't as hard as it looks.  We took it over to Colin & Mailing's that evening and I think they will try it without the border pieces which should make it a little more difficult.

I also baked some banana bread on Thursday - knowing we were heading to C&M's that evening I wanted to take half of it to them.

This was a new-to-me recipe that called for espresso powder in the batter as well as chocolate chips and walnuts.  It was finished with a maple glaze.  C&M and F all liked it.  I did not.  I now realize that I am not a fan of chocolate chips in banana bread (I know that is a scandalous opinion, but there you go).

Fletch and I got our Covid booster shots on Friday (no reaction on my part...Fletch had a sore arm for a few days).  Next up we need to get the Tdap vaccine.  Colin has been pestering reminding us that we need to get that before the baby is born.  My last Tdap was in 2013, so I'm due and Fletch last had one in 2006, so he is way over-due.

My weekend included reading, stitching and knitting, so that made it a good one.  I received notice that both Clear and Intermezzo are waiting for me to pick them up at my library.  When it rains it pours!  Intermezzo is the next selection for the Read With Us group and we will not be discussing it until not sure I want to read it now...the way my memory is (or isn't) I may not remember it!  But, I can always get it again.

Fletch did a bit of garden clean up (taking down the cucumber trellis and spreading some top soil).  The large raised bed is ready for garlic planting.  Meanwhile, tomatoes keep coming in fast and furious!

I may make sauce today since there is left over hot and sweet sausage that Fletch grilled last night.  And, I will need to get out and pick some greens for a salad tonight (steamed mussels, salad and garlic bread is tonight's menu - YUM).

Enough rambling!!  Time to pour a second cup of coffee and see if I can wake up a bit.  I hope your weekend was lovely and that your week is off to a good start - enjoy!!


  1. Oh, what a shame to use up those big slicers in sauce. Still, there is a limit to how many times you can have BLTs or just a tomato sandwich!

    I'm trying to remember if any of us had a reaction to the Tdap vax we all got before Theo was born. I think I just had a really sore arm. No matter--it's well worth it!

  2. You really have loads of tomatoes for October! John picked a few yesterday but they hardly seem to ripen so I'll just put them in the blender for sauce and then cook them down with lots of seasoning some cold winter day. And I'm with you, banana bread should taste like just bananas, not chocolate chips and maple!

  3. we got our covid/flu shots on Friday and did pretty well, just sore arms but that isn't anything to me. I love puzzles and should pull one out to do.

  4. I confess I do like chocolate chips in banana bread but then I like chocolate chips in anything. I keep a bag of the dark chocolate chips in my fridge at all times just so I can take a handful whenever I get a craving.

  5. Dave and I fight over nuts in banana bread - I like walnuts or pecans - he wants no nuts! I think I just have to start making his and her loafs!

  6. That looks like a fun puzzle. Clever to try it sans the edges. And, wow, I'd say that qualifies as cake -- versus bread!! I've been making some tasty loaves lately -- my favorite being an orange ricotta (which I made b/c some ricotta had spoiled JUST enough that it could still be used for baking but should not have gone in a pasta dish. Then I had a good laugh at myself for what it cost to buy the required Grand Marnier -- in effort to be thrifty and NOT toss $3 worth of ricotta! Having enjoyed it as much as I did, I'll say it was definitely worth it!).

    Enjoy the last of your garden harvest!

  7. That does look like a fun puzzle! That baby will be here before you know it! I am envious of your gorgeous tomatoes! They will be a lovely sauce! Happy Monday!

  8. Clear looks good. I've never gotten into Sally Rooney but I should give it a try. Just wondering, why do you need a TDap around babies?

  9. I'm glad you didn't have any bad reactions to your vaccines, but prepare for a very sore arm from your Tdap -- the tetanus component is always a killer! I still remember the one I had the summer before college when I was working in my mom's law firm. I couldn't lift the arm that got the shot, which made putting files away pretty difficult! Fortunately it goes away in a couple of days and it's only once a decade.

    I also just got Intermezzo from the library. I think I'll end up making some notes so I can remember things because who knows what the wait will be like in December!

  10. No chocolate chips in my banana bread, thank you! I want the real thing with a few chopped walnuts added. Cute puzzle! I love sliced tomatoes with just a sprinkle of granulated sugar - yummy.

  11. Dale agrees with you that chocolate chips do not belong in banana bread. I like them just fine if they are the minis. I'm glad you didn't have a negative reaction to your shot, too!

  12. I need to get the shingles shots and I hear that one can create some bad reactions. We had a wonderful weekend and the weather has been just lovely. Lots of walking in the autumn sunshine
