Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Random Tuesday

Hello All,

How are you?  Yesterday was so gray - until 5:00 in the afternoon that is.  Then the sun came out.  Today looks like it might be a bit brighter.  I've got a bit of work I need to do, but perhaps I'll be able to fit in a walk.  Here's hoping.

Last night I ended up going grocery shopping.  I just needed to get out of the house and I was betting the stores would not be crowded.  They were not!  I was able to get everything at the first store I went to except for flour, sugar, mushrooms (which they had, but not the ones I wanted), angel hair pasta.  So I went to the second store which was just about fully stocked with flour and sugar; had the mushrooms I wanted, etc.  Neither store had TP or tissues.  Luckily we are ok with those items for the moment.  It was good to get out!

Meanwhile, Fletch finished up the 2nd folding bench yesterday.

I love the legs on these benches (and the fact that they fold up flat against the underside of the bench for storage).  The spot on the one on the right is where oil did not soak in.  Fletch will re-sand that section and re-oil which should do the trick.  Love the two tones of the wood.  Next up are benches and a table for Colin & Mailing.  Despite the fact that the legs on our table are rotting from the bottom and it needs to be propped up...Fletch says it will last forever and no need to replace right now.  Gggrrrrrrrrr.  We do see things differently, that man and I.  The window box sitting on the table, by the way, has radish seeds in it which are coming up so nicely.

See how green our grass is?   So much rain will do that.

The table and benches are sitting underneath our apple tree which, apparently is doing much better than it did last year (last year no blooms, no apples).  This first shot of some buds was taken a week or so back.

(That may have been the last time we had a blue sky too).  Buds all over!  And leaves!!

This morning I stepped out on our patio and took a picture of the same area of the tree:

Hard to see in the little pic, but if you click to enlarge, you will see the buds are opening (dark pink as buds, pale pink to white when open).  And even more leaves!!  Maybe we'll get apples this year.

Yesterday was fairly busy work-wise, but I managed to finish up the one Granny Square I had started and make another one too!  I'm now up to 8 completed.  When I was awake in the middle of the night I was thinking of/deciding which colors to use on the next square...really, I would have rather slept better, but whatever....

Well, I'd best get to work so that if the day remains rain-free (and warms up - it is currently still in the 30's), I'll be able to get out for a walk.  Have a great day!


  1. Oh, my laughter and sympathy over the picnic table legs....my guy and I see things from opposite spheres quite often, too! Good enough is his mantra! Looks like you are getting some Spring weather finally!

  2. Those benches are great! I am sorry you had to go to two stores, yikes! We have signed up for "home delivery" of groceries but have not gotten a "time" yet. So, I might need to make a run later this week as well.

  3. Your husband sounds like he went to the same Carpentry School as my husband. Sigh. But the things that do get done are always gorgeous.

    Having to go to two stores right now would put me over the edge, whereas I used to do that all the time. Isn't it odd how we have all adapted so quickly?

  4. The new benches are fabulous, Vera! (And . . . I'm married to another Mr. Function-Over-Form, so I totally understand your frustration!) So glad you could find everything you needed yesterday. Always a cause to celebrate these days. (My daughter reported that they were able to purchase toilet paper for the first time since late February yesterday in the Bay Area.) Enjoy your day!

  5. Our grass is so high from all this rain that it's going to be a mess to mow. We hope to get some of it done before the rains come again this afternoon.

  6. It's like it all turned green overnight out here.

  7. Today, I’ll make a grocery run and hope to get everything on my list. The sun is shining, but a cold wind is coming off the snow-covered mountains so a walk may be out of the plan.

  8. Hello, the legs on the benches do look great. LOL, on the seeing things differently, sounds very familiar.. We have been having a lot of rain lately, it is clouding up now as I type. Take care, have a happy day!

  9. Love you table and benches. We don't have room for anything that size in our yard, but I have persuaded my brother to make me a squirrel-sized picnic table. Have you seen them? They are so cute.

  10. "We do see things differently, that man and I." Hahahahaha!! I feel you!

  11. I agree with you about the benches and the table. We do see things differently than our husbands don't we? I love those benches though.
    I have a grocery pickup order in for tomorrow morning. I wasn't able to get several things on my list though so I'll have to stop at another store on the way home and actually go in. I haven't been in a store since February. What's it like? :-)
    Our grass turned green seemingly overnight and Dennis mowed again after work last night. It looks wonderful and the sky is bright blue today. I'll have to go take a walk when it gets a little warmer.

  12. Those are really lovely benches (and the picnic table would look so nice with new matching legs)! I'm shopping at a different store on Thursday for the first time in 2.5 weeks and hope to find some things I both need and want!

  13. Bravo on the new benches! I also think you deserve a new table before others are made. :-) I'm glad you found almost everything you needed on your shopping adventure. We're going out for a drive today and a stop at the garden store for a few things for our raised beds. Have a super week! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Oh those darn 30 degree temps. I am so done with them. I hope our wild apple trees produce a lot this year. Two years ago they did. Last year: nope

  15. Is there a pattern to purchase for those benches or are they hubby's own design? Apple tree? Any morels beneath? We may be on the hunt tomorrow.

  16. Oh, this is beautiful ... I imagined sitting on a beautiful bench like yours and then sitting under an apple tree. That is very fun.

    Regards from Indonesia

  17. love your benches and table, truly a sign of warmer weather coming. Today it's sunny even though they said it would not be, I just need one more hour of sun when I go for my walk! We have had limited TP here for two weeks in row! Praise be!

  18. Fletch is quite the woodworker - love those benches! and your cool-weather grass. We have bermuda here ... it's one of the LAST things to green up!
