Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Miscellaneous Things

Good Morning!

How are you?  How was your weekend?

My weekend was good.  I did end up working yesterday and even a bit last night. I've said, I'm thankful to be employed.  I did receive an e-mail on Friday indicating that they are looking - tentatively - at reopening our office June 1st.  But, a staggered opening in that some folks will come in Mondays and Wednesdays, others will come in Tuesdays and Thursdays, and everyone will work 3 days a week at home.  My time will be flexible - depending on what Bill, Kevin & Bruce need.  No guarantee that's when the office will re-open, but at least plans are starting to be made.  We do have FY 2021 budget reviews planned for the last week of May, so if they are in-person I will be in the office at that time.  No decision yet on whether those reviews will be in person or remote.

It's taken awhile, but I think this damp, raw weather we've been having...and continue to finally getting to me.  Plus, I realized last night that this is the week Fletch and I were supposed to be on our Spring camping trip which obviously is not happening.  So part of the weekend was spent just being mopey.  (Given our current weather...and the forecast...I'm glad we are not on a camping trip, but still....)

So here are a few things from my weekend.  First, I made a couple more masks.  They were done half-heartedly and kind of sloppily, but honestly I'm not really concerned about how my masks look.  I'm not looking to win a contest.  But, I do love the fabrics.

I do have a thing for birds, that's for sure!  LOL

I also made a couple more Granny Squares (I think I've completed 6.5 now)

Fletch actually (finally) started going through a box of "stuff" that his brother had brought up quite some time ago - like a couple of years.  OMG, his mother saved EVERYTHING!!!  But, look at these:  cards they received when Fletch was born.

I love these images from the 40's.  And then this:

Nanno (Fletch's Grandmother) wrote him a letter when he was born!  I recognized her handwriting as soon as I saw the envelope.  Gosh I miss her.  She made the best fried chicken ever!!  Anyway, the letter was the sweetest and brought tears to my eyes.

I just hope that Fletch doesn't want to save ALL of these things.....

Here's hoping your week is off to a good start.


  1. It was a miserable weekend weather wise and this morning it looks just as bad. Ugh.
    I love those cards. Funny that The Mister just showed me some cards and things his mom had from when he was born. I have no idea how he had them in here all these years without ever showing them to me.

  2. Hello, the weather has been awful, so wet. It is cool to find the letter from Fletch's grandmother and the old cards. I regret not having some old photos and memories of my family. I like your birdie mask too, it looks good to me. Hopefully the sun comes out soon! Take care, enjoy your day and new week!

  3. It's nice you had some elastic to use for your masks. I made us a couple but just sewed in ties. Love the finds from Fletch's birth -- how special is that! Sometimes being a packrat is useful. lol! Love the granny squares!

  4. This weather... sucks! (and am with you about the but still comment...and I am not a camper! lol)

    I like your masks! Go you!

  5. This weather is getting to me, too. It makes it hard to get out for a walk, mow, hang laundry, and not be disgruntled. Maybe we'll get some sun soon (but not much this week.) I love your bird masks, the granny square still life with wine, and Fletch's heirlooms. I have trouble with things like that; I don't know what to do with them but can't bear to throw them away!

  6. my mother saved my baptism cards and they are somewhere in this house... Good luck with the staggered reopening. I am hoping that the stay at home orders are lifted for my region (north central) so I can see my son. I don't know about my daughter since she is in Delaware.

  7. I love those vintage illustrations. And how dear to find that letter!

    We're getting the gloomy rainy stuff too, of course with chilly winds. Ugh. Today is a brief respite, so I'll make the most of it.

    Your granny squares might look pretty all put together with white or ivory instead of black. I like them.

  8. We had miserable (wet and windy and cold) weather all last week -- but then ended up with a beautiful weekend. I'm hoping some of that good weather is headed your way. :-) I think it's going to be quite interesting to see how companies put their workplaces back together again! I'll bet there will be some very clever innovations to come. Have a good week, Vera!

  9. The letter addressed to the baby is precious! I hope you’ll save a few of the items for your grandchildren to see one day.

  10. We had a beautiful weekend but the rain and wind is here again today. I love the cards and that letter is such a wonderful keepsake. I also saved all of our kids report cards etc. and gave them an envelope full of things when they moved out. I still have all of mine and Dennis' cards and awards that our Mom's kept. It's fun to go back an read them and see the comments the teachers wrote.

  11. Oh my goodness that letter is so precious. What a lovely idea and certainly a family keepsake. And I love your mask fabrics. I am making a few more of a different style because for whatever reason, (maybe my nose is too big!) I can't see anything but eye level!

  12. We FINALLY got some sun and warmth today. I was out in the gardens with the cats for a couple hours. It felt great.

  13. What a treasure trove ... and I am glad you're still making those squares - I really like the colors!!

  14. I sure 'get' the mopey feeling--going through the box of memories was the best thing you could do!!! Love the cards and the letter from Nana, what a treasure!

  15. I'm so tired of this cold weather, as well! This is the longest that it's held on in years. I have lots of cards and correspondence from family members from decades ago. My family kept everything, too. It's hard to get rid of such warm history.

  16. what a find ! Like Minerva, Im so ready for heat and humidity!!!! I love summer.
    My mother didn't keep much at all. Six kids ...too much!

  17. Those cards are cute. I'm thinking a lot more telecommuting will be more commonplace after this virus episode. I think it makes a lot of sense and would be better for the environment for all of us. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
