Monday, October 2, 2023

Weekending 10/2/23

 Hello, Hello!

And Happy October!  Whoosh is exactly what September did.  How did we get to October already?  After many days of grey, damp, wet weather, our skies have cleared and it has been gorgeous out (and is supposed to continue this way for a couple of days, at least).  We had a great time with Colin & Mailing on Wednesday for dinner (BBQ Shrimp!! and salad with lettuce and tomatoes from the garden!)and even managed to have a nice fire in the pit.  We saw them again Saturday night for dinner at Mailing's parents.

Friday night I made a new-to-us recipe that was great!  Slow Cooker Chicken Fajita Chili.  I used This Recipe and it was so easy and tasty.  Lots of leftovers in both the frig and freezer too.  I did end up adding a third can of Rotel tomatoes and also an extra cup or more of water.

Saturday morning Dee and I met up as usual.  This time we met at a Manhattan Bagel in Lansdale.  It was a great time (as usual) EXCEPT that there was live music and the guy (playing the guitar and singing) had to be the absolutely worst singer I have ever heard.  Seriously!  Off key and just horrible.  That dude played for two hours straight with no break.  I thought I would go crazy.  LOL

We've been enjoying lettuce and chard from the garden in salads.  I've been picking 25-40 cherry tomatoes daily and our large tomatoes are finally ripening!

There are even more on a windowsill in the kitchen.  Sandwiches are so much better with garden tomatoes!

I even managed to find time to get back to my stitching this weekend (updates tomorrow).

C&M had come up to PA for a friend's wedding Friday night.  The couple are huge history buffs and had their wedding at the Museum of the American Revolution and Ben Franklin officiated the wedding!  LOL

C&M with Ben!

It was a great weekend and it's so nice to know that the kids will be back pretty soon for Thanksgiving...and then will be moving back permanently at Christmas!  We cannot wait.

I hope your weekend was a good one - let me know what you did.


  1. What a great weekend (except for that lousy singer)! I like how C&M's time in TX is coming to an end and you'll see them soon at Thanksgiving. Time does fly, and in the case of missing loved ones far away, that's often a good thing.

  2. I am so excited they are moving back, time flies since they moved but then time flies for me for just about anything as I age.

  3. I have to say, Ben Franklin is looking amazingly well preserved for a man who's been dead for a couple hundred years! ;-) Other than the bad singing, it sounds like it was a lovely weekend, and I'm sure spending time with C&M was the highlight. We've got the same gorgeous weather here for the week, decidedly un-fall-like, so I'm going to get all the vitamin D I can!

  4. I had no idea that you could get married in a museum! What a great idea! (and that is an amazing Ben Franklin look-alike!)

    What a fantastic weekend (and I agree about the tomatoes!)

  5. Well isn't that a fun (and memorable) wedding/event! I'm so glad to hear that C&M will be moving back soon! What great news. XO

  6. Well, it was pretty good except for the assault on my ears from the horrible singer and $2 butter. LOL The company at the table was wonderful and no matter what, we do manage to laugh.

  7. So happy for you Mom, that C & M will be moving back very soon. How wonderful. I can just see you and Dee trying to hold back laughter at the singer. What could he have been thinking? He had to know!
    That wedding looks like a fun one. Your kids make such a great looking couple.
    Ours was a quiet one. It was so hot here in the mid 90's. One more day of that. We puppy sat Lizzie for awhile each day since Thursday since it was a busy weekend for the kids. That way she wasn't home alone all day. These two puppies are definitely people puppies. My sister had lunch with us here after church and both puppies were really glad to see her. They stayed at her house while we were in London and they definitely forged a bond that week. They were all over her with kisses. It's great to know we have another option for care in an emergency. :-)

  8. Time has flown! C&M will be home so soon. How wonderful for you. Does it seem like they were gone so very long after all?

    I don't know how on earth you and Dee lasted two whole hours with a bad singer. I'd have had to relocate almost immediately, especially if I was looking forward to chatting. Then again, Patience has never been my Virtue.

  9. Ben Franklin! How cool is that? Your tomatoes are beautiful. I got only one that was edible out of the four plants I tried to grow this year.

  10. What fun! So glad you got a bonus visit!

  11. You said it, I can't believe how quickly September flew by.

    Oh my goodness, that wedding must have been fun!!

  12. That sounds like a really fun wedding - Dale would love it! Enjoy those tomatoes, too!

  13. Fresh produce - definitely delicious! What fun to be married by Ben Franklin. I love it!

  14. So happy you could spend time with the offspring! And I can't believe your tomato yield!

  15. What FUN! (except for that guitar player at MB on Saturday morning ... who even thinks to have live music on a Saturday morning?) Glad the weather cooperated for you to enjoy your time with C&M ... and Christmas is less than three months away!

  16. What a fun weekend. The tomatoes look so lush. And your son and daughter-in-law are a handsome couple.

  17. How nice to have C&M moving back. I am confused because I thought their move was permanent but you kept watering plants so I then thought it was a short stint but they're coming back so it's all good!!
