Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 10/4/23

 Greetings Everyone!

We have another pretty day on the horizon here in Eastern PA.  This first week of October has just been marvelous weather-wise.  Not to spoil the day, but Fletch and I are scheduled to get our Booster shots at 10:30 this morning.  Hoping for no ill-effects.

On this first Wednesday in October (!) it is time to link up with Kat and her merry band of unravelers to talk making and reading.  Friends!  I have success to report!  The Purple Cowl has been finished, soaked and blocked!

Abstract Leaves Cowl (Ravelry Link)
COBASI Yarn by Berocco (cotton/bamboo/silk)
#4 and #3  circular needles (16”)

Still on the blocking mat in the above picture, but T pins removed after drying in the sun outside!  I love it and the only explanation for the trouble I had was attempting to knit when too tired.  Now I want to knit another one - perhaps in a variegated yarn!

There is plenty of the purple yarn left (the misbehaving skein plus a little of the other one), so I started some fingerless mitts to go with the cowl.

Just a basic fingerless mitt pattern from Leslie Friend...but I can't seem to find it on Ravelry now...I think it was just a freebie off her blog many, many moons ago.

My second sock saw a little love this past week.  I'm almost half way down the leg (we have long legs and big feet in my family).  

Once this sock is completed, another gift will go into the gift basket!  (Same with the fingerless mitts to go with the cowl.)

On to the reading side of things.  Fletch and I are moving steadily towards the end of The Broken Road by Patrick Leigh Fermor.  It is good (though many words in languages I do not speak or Greek or Bulgarian or Rumanian), but not a fast read.  

I was excited to finally get (from the library) and start The Bee Sting particularly after so many great reviews by folks.  But, I am finding myself not sold on it.  I'm more than a bit bored with it and at times even finding it trite!  But, that's just me.  I'm into the third section and the lack of punctuation in this particular section is annoying (to me).  Will I finish it?  That is up in the air.  There are so many books that I want to read (my TBR list in Excel is over 200 lines long...) that I hate to spend time on something that is not really compelling for moi.

Yesterday I picked up (from the library) another book I had been in the queue for:  The Art Thief and that is what I read when I went upstairs to bed last night.  I only managed 2 chapters, but I'm hooked and enjoying this one a lot.

Time to pour another cup of coffee and get to work - emails have been flying in while I've been typing this.  Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Daughter and SIL are getting theirs today too. Baby Grand got his flu shot yesterday but they can't find the Covid for kids anywhere yet which is worrisome as so many of her students are sick with it now.

  2. OMG, that was fast work on that cowl. And it's gorgeous.

    I'll be very interested in whether or not you get any reaction to the covid vax. I'm hearing from several people that they were down with fatigue and chills for at least a full 24 hours. I'm getting my flu and covid shots soon, regardless.

  3. That cowl is lovely! But I really love that sock yarn! (those will be FUN socks!)

  4. That is such a lovely pattern on the cowl. I'm glad you stuck with it aren't you and the mitts will be a nice addition to it. The yarn for those socks is fantastic.

  5. Once that yarn started behaving, you finished the cowl quickly and it's gorgeous! Those mitts will be lovely also. I'm feeling much the same about The Bee Sting. It's due back to the library in a week but I don't know if I'll finish it either. Too many other good books!

  6. Pretty knitting happening here. I am so impressed with those of you who gift knitted items.

  7. the cowl is beautiful! I bet it feels nice to finish a project and then be able to start another one, I get giddy about that!!

  8. I did find The Bee Sting to drag a bit at the beginning/middle, but it really does start to pick up in the second half as the storylines start to come together and you start to see where it's all going. But if you're not enjoying it, I'm sure there are plenty of other things you could be reading instead.

    Congrats on doing a lovely job with the cowl -- and for finally conquering that problem round!

  9. Love all the purple!!! Hope you're feeling ok after the shots--I scheduled mine for next month after hearing of so many issues with stocking them in rural areas. I'm glad you're reading The Art Thief! It's nuts!!

  10. Gorgeous cowl: I love the lace pattern. Yesterday, I got my COVID jab. My arm is sore and I have a small goose egg at the injection site. Hopefully, those are the only side effects I’ll have.

  11. Dale had his booster yesterday and so far his only side effect has been a sore arm. I love the cowl!

  12. We have had sunny warm days and it all ends after Thursday. ENDS!!! Without a fig!

  13. The cowl turned out beautifully. It will make a nice gift. In my humble opinion, fingerless mitts are also a nice gift. I've never given a pair of those that hasn't been appreciated.

  14. What a beautiful cowl, Vera! Neither Tom nor I had significant side effects from our Covid shots, but I did take a really long nap (surprisingly long, actually) the next day. So I guess . . . exhaustion was my side effect. And you know what I always say about books that aren't "doing it" for you . . . Life is just too short - and there are so many good books to choose from - that you shouldn't spend time reading books you don't like. XO

  15. The cowl turned out beautifully! I like to listen to Leslie Friend, too!
