Monday, October 23, 2023

Weekending 10/23/23

 Well Hello Out There in Blogland!

How are you?  Last week was a week for sure!  Many PITA moments and very long days (working most nights till 10 or 11).  I tried to keep in the front of my mind that a year from now I would not be dealing with all this work worked sometimes, but often I felt like I was tearing my hair out.

But the weekend came and that week was behind me!  Whew!  And, the weekend was very nice.  Naturally I met up with Dee for some quality time.  We do laugh an awful lot which was exactly what I needed.  I even managed to get some knitting done inbetween laughing and sipping my coffee.

That was the only knitting I did all week and no stitching was done.  At all.  Which is pretty much unacceptable in my book.  Oh well, c'est la vie.

Sunday Zhongren came over for dinner.  Bonnie, Mailing's Mom, is in Europe on a Viking River Cruise with some girlfriends.  Fletch grilled some wings (both hot and BBQ) and I roasted some buttercup squash (with EVOO and maple syrup) and Brussels Sprouts (with onion, garlic and a sweet chili sauce).

Everything was delicious (except the squash was really, really dry...Zhongren loved it, so he took all of the leftover squash home!)  He had brought a beautiful bottle of Sake (that was also quite tasty) to go with dinner and I had also made a pan of brownies for dessert.  Yum!

Today it is back to reality.  I'm heading to the office in a little bit.  Two of my bosses will be in, so I will catch up with them and do a little work.  I don't plan to (or want to) stay all that long.  I need to stop at Trader Joe's and a few other places on my way home.  This week is most likely going to be another PITA week, but after this it should (fingers crossed) calm down a bit.  I want to get back to my making and work is interfering!

Our low tonight is supposed to be near freezing...I need to remember to harvest the green figs.  I don't think any of them will ripen at this point, but I've read of some things I can do (make) with the green figs.

Here's hoping the week ahead is a good one for everyone - get out and enjoy it if you can!


  1. I'm sorry last week was so exhausting and that this week is looking to have most of the same. I figured you were swamped when you didn't post. Here's hoping the end is in sight!

    We had frost here this morning! I'm glad I picked the last of the tomatoes and squash (though we still have a couple of tiny squashes on the vine that may or may not survive).

  2. I do hope this week is a bit easier on you!! Any weekend with Dee is a good weekend!

  3. Weeks like these . . . will make your retirement all the sweeter, Vera! (And, boy, are they gonna miss you next year!) So glad you were able to enjoy some weekend fun with Zhongren and Dee. Here's to a smooth week with fewer PITA moments than you expect. XO

  4. I am crossing my fingers that this week is less of a PITA. Doesn't work understand that I enjoy your Tiny Needle Tuesday and Unraveled Wednesday posts? While you're at the office, see if you can find out where I can lodge an official protest on your behalf! Breathe and know that this too shall pass (hopefully without you tearing your hair out).

  5. One more week of work "stuff" to deal with and it will calm down. I said that often when I was working. How good to know in the back of your mind that this is the last time you'll have to go through this yearly frustration. I'm glad the weekend had a bit of a respite. I think time with Dee would always be fun and having Zhongren over for dinner would be enjoyable too.
    Hope your week isn't too bad and you can get those needles of all sizes back out again.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. That lovely china with the berry pattern makes me envious. I always wanted a set. When I see yours, it makes me smile (albeit a bit greenly).

    Last week was a busy one for me, too. I'm resolved to be Slothful this week in order to fully recover. I hope you can have some respite time as well.

  7. It was freezing this morning and all I've heard on The Weather Channel is that we are supposed to be having a heat wave. I don't get it.

  8. Hope the worst of the work is behind you and you don't get stuck at the office too long.
    We woke up to a good frost this morning, and now it's only a few degrees above freezing - though Tuesday is supposed to be summer-like. Mother Nature just loves messing with us.

  9. One more week of PITA--you can do it! Wow freezing temps--I don't think those are anywhere on the horizon for us for a while. I better get the rest of the tomatoes in though!

  10. Roasted acorn squash is delicious. I need to look for one the next time I shop. My sister and BIL were here all weekend. We had fun catching up and playing multiple games.

  11. I hope this week is better in the work department so you can get some knitting & stitching done!! ;) We might see below-freezing overnight temps by this time next week.

  12. Don't you hate it when work interferes with life and fun? I'm sorry it's been so busy and hopeful this week won't be as bad as you anticipate. The photo of your dinner is lovely.

  13. oh ugh. I hope this week goes better for you. Your dinner sounds delicious. I'm glad you met up with Dee.

  14. Oh ugh, Vera! I hope this week calms down at work!

  15. It was a hard week indeed when you can't get in any knitting or stitching!!! Hope things go better this week!
