Tuesday, October 24, 2023

No TNT Today

 Hello Everyone,

How are you?  My computer says it is 35 degrees outside, my phone say 34, and the thermometer on the patio is reading just about 40.  Not sure what the exact temperature is, but it is chilly!  It is also still dark out.  I looked to see when we turn the clocks back and it is not till that first weekend in November.  Didn't it used to be earlier - maybe the weekend before Halloween?

Yesterday turned out to be a longer time in the office than I had expected or wanted.  But it was ok.  Much was accomplished.  I managed to do some (not all) of my errands...so more errand running today

My apologies, but I have no TNT updates for you (or for me).  Last week afforded me no time to stitch and the hope/plan is to remedy that today.

We did get something exciting in the mail though!  Or, exciting for us that is:

We LOVE beans and with the cooler weather moving in, it is time to think about making soups, stews, red beans & rice, chili, etc., etc.  I'm particularly excited because Rancho Gordo carries yellow eye beans.  We bought two bags (upper left) and then as I was reading descriptions of other beans and looking at recipes, my cart kept filling with more and more!  Anyway, I grew up eating home-made baked beans.  My Grandmother always maade them when we were in Vermont, my aunt made them a lot and my Mom would make them.  Yellow Eye Beans were always the beans used.  I've never seen them down here in PA.  I used to buy several bags whenever we went to Vermont, but in recent years I did not see them.  Now I'm looking forward to making baked beans (with maple syrup thank you).

Another item we used to buy in Vermont because it was never here was Buttercup Squash.  It is now found around here in some stores.  As you know, I roasted some on Sunday and it was not that great.  I'll have to try a different recipe.

Last week I did make a new dish with Delicata Squash which I had never had or cooked before.  I roasted it and made This Recipe and it was delicious.  Definitely one I will be making again.  The squash, apples and kale just went together so nicely (and there were leftovers!!).

My hope is that today I can find some pockets of time where I can pick up a needle (stitching and/or knitting) and have some quiet meditative time.  I wish the same for you my friends.  Take care.


  1. I so wish the others in my house enjoyed beans because I have heard great things about Rancho Gordo beans! You'll have to let us know how you like the varieties you ordered.

  2. Ooooo! I do think that's exciting! I've never tried Rancho Gordo beans, but I think it might be time to give them a try! I hope your busy work time is soon over, and you can get back to your stitching, Vera. XO

  3. I had no idea there were that many different kinds of beans! They are pretty and I'm sure you'll make some delicious things with them; I hope to hear about them. I wish you the best with work and errands today!

  4. Ooo! Those beans all look so interesting! (and I love beans so much!) Steve... not so much. But I can sneak them in every once in a while! Thanks for the link!

  5. I've never heard of yellow eye beans! Interesting. My grandmother's name was Marcella... I'd have to try that variety! We love beans of all kinds, too. Yum.

  6. I could be vegetarian with no effort at all, but Rick has to have meat at least a few times a week or I hear about it. I love beans, and I hear about Rancho Gordo often. Can't wait to see what you make with all those varieties.

  7. That's quite a haul of beans. Dennis loves beans and while I like them, my body does not. It's one of the foods I have to be very, very care with. I really like that your Grandma, Mom and you all make the same baked beans. I usually just open a can of them for Dennis. :-)
    Hope you get all of your errands done today so you can have some very important needle time.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I LOVE Rancho Gordo. I make a pot of something from there at least once a week. I subbed out some of their Black-eyed Peas for some I got on Amazon for some Hoppin John and I can tell you, those Amazon beans-even though they are from a good company did not come close to RGs. I follow the owner on several social media sites and he is a riot.

  9. You will enjoy those beans--they make comfort dishes when the temperatures dip!!!

  10. I'm not a bean person, except in burritos or chili, but I think we should eat less meat and more beans so I'll check these out! We also have 50 pounds of beans and 50 pounds of rice in the pantry for, you know, when the big one hits.

  11. I make cheater baked beans - two cans of brown beans drained of their juices, mix with molasses, mustard, ketchup, brown sugar (there might have bean measurements at one time, but I don't remember what they are - I just pour and squirt - but more mustard than ketchup - I like that mustard bite!) and some chopped onions and bake for 30 minutes covered, 15 minutes uncovered at 375. Super easy and super delicious. I made them for a French Canadian friend who was very dubious at first (the French Canadian take their baked beans very seriously), but she admitted they were pretty good.

  12. Never heard of that bean. I've tried the Delicata previously and other varieties touted to be fabulous. Nope. Locally grown, but not nearly as good as basic acorn and butternut. I always bought loads at the farm markets, but now they are close to 1.50/# with the special varieties close to 4/#. Too much $ for me!! No guarantee they will taste good. I wasted a lot of money on the overpriced watermelons this summer. Beautiful, fragrant, yellow spot skin, and none had any taste. Beautiful 70's here for a few days before a drop into the 40's.

  13. What a haul there. I have heard of Rancho Gordo beans but never tried them. I hope to read about some of the recipes you make. I really should try cooking with dried beans. We eat plenty but I confess I buy them in cans or jars.
