Thursday, October 5, 2023

Thursday Stuff 10/5/23

 Good Morning!

Only 51 degrees this morning...the cooler air is moving in.  So is the dampness.  Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and (of course) for the weekend.  And it is supposed to start feeling like FALL!

Just a quick post to show you two things.  First, our Hibiscus is still blooming!  Who would have guessed that we would see a bloom in October?

When I took this picture, I counted 15 more buds on the plant!

Next up I spotted this bumper sticker when I ran out to the library yesterday afternoon - LOL

Love it!!  And, it cracks me up!

OK, time for me to hop on the work wagon  I've a lot of stuff to do this morning so I'd best get moving.  Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday - we will be moving into weekend mode shortly!!


  1. We have rain forecast for tomorrow as well... and I hope it actually does! We need it badly! YES to that more fall like weather as well!

    Have a great day! XO

  2. It's raining here (hard) as I type! 85 yesterday, 65 today. The weather is fickle! :-)

  3. I am really looking forward to cooler temps. If I have to bear a little rain to get there, I'm okay with that. See you in Norriton on Sat.

  4. I can stand some rain, too, if we get real fall temperatures afterward. 85 was a little too hot for me yesterday!

  5. We'll be getting the rain starting tonight, and I see much cooler temps in the forecast. As nice as the unexpected warm weather and sunshine has been, I am ready to pull out the woolies! Hope you get to see at least a few more hibiscus blooms before it's too cold.

  6. We had over an inch of rain on Tuesday that ushered in a cold front. BLISS! It has been in the 50's overnight since then and low 70's in the daytime. It's just perfect weather and of course we really needed the rain. I'm loving having the windows all open and hearing the activities outdoors instead of the hum of the AC.
    Hope your work day is easier than you thought it would be.

  7. The humidity has been awful here and now rain too. Ugh. The hibicus I have seen on our walks have all been glorious this year. I guess the tropical weather is their thing. The roses have suffered though. They look terrible this year.

  8. Temperatures have been pleasant in Wyoming recently. I love this time of year!

  9. And we're having a little heat wave! It's in the 70s right now!

  10. The 80s have finally moved on (I was so crabby!) and we got rain yesterday, which shifted my migraine, thankfully. It's quite cool and just a bit damp here this morning.

    This must have been a banner year for hibiscus. I saw so many lovely ones everywhere. Yours is such a beautiful shade of magenta.

  11. The bumper sticker makes me smile. What a pretty bloom on the hibiscus. We've finally moved into fall weather. Thank goodness. I hope weekend mode arrived.

  12. I love the fish sign, that is priceless!
