Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 10/11/23

 Good Morning!

6 a.m. and the crescent moon is bright out my bedroom window.  When I got up, I saw the moon and also a buck grazing for apples under our tree.  I don't really think I made much (if any) noise when I got up, but as soon as I stood, the buck lifted his eyes to the window and then he turned around and walked off!

Here we are at mid-week again and it's time for linking up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  My second sock is moving along, albeit a tad on the slow side.

I'm a third of the way through the heel flap and soon (hopefully) will be turning the heel and then cruising down the foot.  I'm growing a bit weary of this sock!

There was unfortunately a bit of unraveling this week.  Remember the fingerless mitt I had started to go with the purple cowl?  It now looks like this:

Yes, that is the misbehaving skein of purple yarn, but I can't really blame the yarn this time.  The fault is all mine.  I cast on the recommended number of stitches and was happily knitting in the round when I realized the mitt might be a bit small...or rather it could be a compression mitt!  I had completely forgotten that the pattern was written for worsted weight yarn and larger needles...this yarn is fingering weight.  Oh well.  I will cast on today with additional stitches and hopefully that will work.

As far as reading goes, I have two finishes!  The Art Thief was an enjoyable read that I found hard to believe was true.  The end got a little draggy for me, but otherwise I really liked it.  I picked up Wicked Autumn that Kat mentioned last week.  I'm roughly 2/3 through this easy-to-read mystery.  It makes me think of Grantchester.

Fletch and I finally finished The Broken Road by Patrick Leigh Fermor.  It seemed to go on and on!  The first two books in this trilogy were better I think.  We are now 2 nights into Finn by Jon Clinch and so far, so good!

I'm happy to report that if any of you stop by, the bathrooms are safe to use.  Yup - got those rooms cleaned yesterday.  The kitchen floor?  Not so much...but there is always today if I am so inclined.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. At least with the mitts you were able to diagnose the problem right away; I hope that is the last trouble they give you. Sounds like I need to check out The Art Thief. (I can't remember if you get Netflix; if so, check out the docu-series This Is a Robbery.)

  2. Okay, Vera. I thought of you yesterday as I was cleaning my kitchen floor! (But I didn't get to the bathrooms . . . sigh.) I think I've read The Art Thief . . . I love books about art thievery. I think it's a fascinating subject. Love your socks! XO

  3. I did my kitchen floor yesterday as well... but not the bathrooms either. Today... maybe lol! I remember The Art Thief as being a bit unbelievable as well, perhaps that was why he got away with it for as long as he did... Ha! (And Yes... Wicked Autumn did have a bit of a Grantchester feel!)

  4. Good for you for figuring out the issue with that misbehaving purple yarn! I think it's a good thing to cast on again and show your knitting who's the boss. I thought about vacuuming yesterday but maybe I'll think about it more today and it will actually get done.

  5. I do so much cleaning in the Airbnbs that my own house really suffers sometimes! haha. I used to have cleaning ladies come and do mine and maybe I'll try that again sometime. Good luck getting' it all done, Vera!

  6. That purple yarn just enjoys being knit and knit, and knit....................

  7. Reading this post is making me truly grateful to have cleaning help that comes every other Thursday. They clean the bathroom and the kitchen floor and everything else, too!

  8. I did that same mistake a while back, so rookie and yet humbling to a seasoned knitter. ugh. (mine pattern was for worsted and I had a hefty aran).

  9. Sorry to hear about the frogging - that's always frustrating!

  10. That sock just keeps getting prettier and prettier! Sorry about that purple yarn. As much as we hate to admit it, gauge does matter. I had to laugh at those little foxes in that photo. You'll see why on my blog tomorrow.

  11. The sock is making progress even if you are ready to move on to a different one! Too bad about the mitts! lol

  12. I love the sock ... and mostly, I'm in awe of that stitched sampler. There are so many TINY details. It's fun to watch the progress, and I feel like I spy something new each week.

  13. Those socks are going to be gorgeous.

    That purple yarn--it must be exhausted from being rewound so often! LOL. But I do think mitts to match the cowl will make a beautiful set for a gift.

    I just finished floors in the house late last week, and I'm not ready to start over again. Desperately wishing for a Floor Cleaning Fairy...again!

  14. Well rats. My preferred fingerless mitts are made from fingering weight yarn. There are quite a few patterns on Ravelry if you need one. The sock looks good but sometimes they do wear out their welcome.
