Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 10/3/23

 Hello My Friends,

I'm hoping this Tuesday morning finds you all well and enjoying life.  Our nice weather (warm days and cool evenings) is continuing.  Monday was a long day of conference calls (only 2, but they lasted much longer than was necessary), but by 4 p.m. I was able to break away and sit outside with Fletch.  We both started nodding off!  LOL  We are just two old folks.

Yesterday also brought an invitation to a meeting in Delray Beach (FL) at the end of the month...but I declined.  Years ago I would have loved that...and would have booked a nice spa treatment.  But, with Covid on the rise again...and getting ready to announce my retirement soon, I really have no interest in being in a crowd at a resort.

Now it is Tuesday and time for a Tiny Needle update.  After ignoring my stitching for a couple of weeks, I finally got back to it this weekend.  Woo-Hoo!!  Not a whole lot was accomplished, but some.  The one motif at the top of the BIG sampler (Sampler Aux Bouquets) was filled in.

My plan had been to either begin the alphabet to the right or begin another big vase of flowers toward the bottom.  However, I ran out of time.

The Cacti Triiptych is moving along.  All of the green has been stitched in the second (Ocotillo) block and more orange blooms were added.

There are still a number of orange blooms to fill in (again, I thought I would accomplish that, but ran out of time) which I should be able to wrap up this week.  Then it will be on to the third and final block!

Today will be another busy one.  We are having some bathroom "work" being done and I have an eye doctor appointment in the afternoon.  I also received an email from my library that a book I have been in queue for has come in, so I will stop to pick up that.

Hope you are all having beautiful Fall weather - enjoy!!


  1. Both samplers are looking quite lovely, but maybe the most exciting news is "getting ready to announce my retirement soon"! You've mentioned before that you intended to retire this year, but telling the people at work makes it official. Just think of all the stitching time you'll have then!

  2. I, too, am loving these cool nights and sunny warm days... they are delightful! I love that nugget tucked in this post... "getting ready to announce my retirement soon!" sounds very official!

    I think that cactus triptych is lovely... but your big sampler, that is a masterpiece!

  3. I'm glad you were able to get outside for a bit yesterday -- we have to enjoy the sunshine and get that vitamin D while we can! The stitching is looking beautiful as usual. Good luck with the bathroom work and appointment today!

  4. After a break, just picking up your projects again is a HUGE step forward! My favorite words of your post? "Getting ready to announce my retirement soon." YES!!!!! XO

  5. The sampler is even more beautiful with each additional stitch. Getting my new COVID jab this morning.I’m glad I finally found an appointment.

  6. Rain is supposed to arrive here this morning and we definitely need it after the string of days in the 90's again. It's also going to cool down.
    Your projects are looking great especially the sampler.
    With your sentence, "announce my retirement", I picture you standing on a balcony with a megaphone! Ha!
    We're supposed to go on a cruise in January. We booked it well over a year ago with no idea Covid would be rearing it's ugly head again. It's a a LOT of money to just through away, but I have absolutely no desire to go and be on a ship full of people right now. We've already decided to drive to the port in Galveston instead of fly but I don't think that will protect us much.

  7. Your stitches are looking great.
    I too snuck out of work early yesterday - I did a little painting on the back porch since it was so warm

  8. This summery October is a gift. I'm currently at the lake doing a bit of cleaning after a big family weekend wherein we pulled the boat after enjoying it one last time. Glorious!

    Rick and I struggled to stay awake past 9 last night. Old folks, indeed!

  9. That's a very pretty motif!
    Daughter says that student after student is coming down with Covid at the rink and she can't find a place to get her little one boosted. No one was the child dose. Our doctor was shocked today that we got the jab last week. He's been trying to find a place but everyone is out down here.

  10. we have bathrooms that need work and we keep putting it off, mostly cosmetic in nature. I love the cool evenings but not the hot days. I am looking forward to the cool down arriving on the weekend!

  11. You are busy. Your stitching looks like good progress to me. I agree that avoiding a crowded venue is a good idea. We got boosted last Monday and have very few side effects - slightly sore arms and I had a slight headache. Who knows, I am susceptible to headaches so it could have been unrelated to the booster. I also hope few side effects doesn't mean my immune system is not reacting to the vaccine. I can always find something about which to worry.
