Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 10/10/23

 Hello, Hello

How are you all this morning?  It is a bit warmer this a.m. (46 instead of 42), but kind of cloudy.  Hard to believe, but it was 3 years ago today that C&M tied the knot!

My nephew, Ed, married them.

They will celebrate another day since Mailing flew to London last night for work.

And here we are at yet another Tiny Needle Tuesday.  Progress was made this past week on both pieces!  First up the Cacti Triptych.

Please click to enlarge.  Ocotillo in the middle had the final blooms added and the last of the three, Claret Cup has been started.  Still quite a bit to stitch on this one, but also still fun to do!

The BIG sampler also saw a bit of love.  

Hard to get the whole piece in one picture.  

The last alphabet at the top has been started.  This one is not in one solid color, but rather incorporates all the colors in the sampler.  Also at the bottom a snail was added!  And, the big floral part has begun.  Like the Triptych, there is still lots to stitch, but it is still fun!

My time at the office went smoothly and quickly yesterday.  I was ready to leave by 9:15 a.m.!  I stopped at TJ's on the way home and picked up a few things.  Among those things was this:

These are good!  We had them last night instead of rice or potatoes or whatever!

I successfully managed to avoid all the cleaning chores yesterday.  LOL  Still hoping to wake up and find everything sparkling clean!  Really though, work got a bit busy in the afternoon and then last night we sat out with a fire in the pit (until around 9:30 when it started raining).  I suppose I will need to face those chores today.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone's week is going well.  


  1. Happy Anniversary to C&M! (and yay for avoiding those cleaning chores!) Yesterday I got all my summer pots but one cleaned out yesterday! That one is my cherry tomato plant that is still going strong! I also drew up some plans for where to plant the onslaught of bulbs that will be here before the month is over! And I divided the Iris and readied them for replanting! Whew... but it was so lovely outside... breezy, chilly... it felt good to have a sweater on!

  2. Time flies! It seems like you've been sharing stories about C&M and your in-laws for much longer than three years. I wish them a Happy Anniversary! I love that multicolored alphabet and the snail; you're coming along on the cactus piece. I look forward to seeing your stitching on Tuesday!

  3. Lovely wedding photo! Your snail is adorable. The whole piece keeps getting better and better.

  4. That is a wonderful photo of Colin and Mailing. They look so happy. How wonderful that Colin's cousin could marry them.
    Your stitching is coming along nicely. That little snail is so cute. The whole piece is a work of art.
    The bathrooms were cleaning yesterday and then we decided to take a drive out into the Loess Hills of Iowa in the afternoon. It was a beautiful drive with just a hint of color in the fall leaves.
    I hope today is a great one for you Vera. Don't work too hard.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Beautiful stitching--the new cactus is very pretty, too!

  6. Happy Anniversary to Colin and Mailing. My Mom made something similar to the samosas, but with squash. I’ve searched and searched for her recipe (so has my sister) but it hasn’t been found. Beautiful stitching progress

  7. Oooh, those samosas sound yummy! We don't have a Trader Joe's any closer than Milwaukee (2-hour drive) but I'll be passing right through there in a week or so when I take Rusty to O'Hare... and that's also the location of my nearest IKEA, so I'll probably stop there, too.

    Happy Anniversary to Colin & Mailing!!

  8. happy anniversary, boy did that year fly past!!

  9. LOL at the TJ's purchase. Is there any food that is safe from pumpkin spice!

  10. Happy Anniversary to C and M. What a beautiful photo. I love that big sampler in the rectangular shape. I know you can't frame every piece because where would you hang them all and framing is so spendy. But this one might be the exception at least in my opinion. (for what it is worth)

  11. Happy Anniversary to C&M!!! Time just flies, doesn't it? (And that is such a wonderful, joyful photo of them, Vera.) XO Those are such spectacular pieces you're stitching! I'm going to agree with Jane, here. That large piece is too wonderful NOT to frame and hang. (And I think the cacti would make a fabulous pillow top. Just sayin.) (I totally realize you are not asking for advice or opinions, so please forgive me.)

  12. What a great photo of C&M! Happy anniversary to them, and here's to many more. The stitching is looking great as always. I'm a day behind, so maybe this morning you woke up and the cleaning was magically done on its own?
