Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Mabel is Back Home!!!!! 10/25/23

 Oh Friends,

Our hearts are full this morning.  Our sweet, sweet Mabel is home again.

It is so hard to believe and I'm here to tell you that miracles do happen and that there are kind people in this world.

Here's the story - or as much of it as we know - so far Mabel is not speaking in English so we don't know her sisde of the story.

The last time we had seen Mabel was the morning of July 3rd!  She had been in that morning, ate and then went out.  She did not show up at any time during the day and didn't come around at 4:00 when Fletch and I were sitting on the patio (she would join us each day at 4 on the patio, so that was weird).  We called and looked for her for days.  I kept having dreams that she showed up (the last one was only a few days ago) and Fletch kept swearing he was hearing her meowing.  Weird.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon I ran my errands.  When I got home a little before 3:00 the phone rang.  I did not recognize the number, so didn't answer.  The guy - Mike - on the other end started to leave a message about having our cat Mabel!  Immediately I picked up the phone and started talking.  He had taken Mabel to a vet that day and a scan showed her chip.  Turns out I received an email from PetLink after Mike called telling me that Mabel had been found.  A miracle!

Fletch and I immediately drove over to Mike's to get our sweetheart.  She was roughly 10 miles away!  On the other side of the King of Prussia Mall, across the Schuylkill River and Schuylkill Expressway.  I think Fletch's idea is correct - she may have climbed into a UPS truck or an Amazon van (both are on our street daily) and then ended up somewhere over in that area.

Mike and his family first started seeing Mabel around July 11th.  They have been feeding her, caring for her, bought her a lovely scratch pad, toys, etc., etc.  They fell in love with her and actually offered to buy her yesterday.  They hated to give her up.  Mike said she was finally comfortable enough with them that they could take her to the vet and the rest is history!

She looks good.  No sign of fleas or ticks.  They said she was skin and bones when they first saw her, but she looks great now.  Her coat is healthy.  She barely stopped purring yesterday.  She was in all night (on the bed, curled up at my feet) and periodically purring rather loudly.  She has gone down to the basement several times - hopefully to use the litter box so I think she remembers her home.  So far she has not been crying to go out, so we will try to keep her in for a little longer - I don't think she will put up with that forever.  Mike and his family would let her out...just keeping her in at night.

Mike's son (teenager) was sad to see her go too.  He had used an app and thinks she is an Egyptian Mau cat and I think he is right!  Some of the pictures look exactly like Mabel!

I will be calling our vet and taking her in as she is due for her shots.  In fact I had just finally called the vet a week ago to let them know that she had disappeared in July.

Such a happy ending to have our girl back - I still can't believe it!


  1. Oh, Vera! I have tears streaming down my face! This is the best news (but perhaps bittersweet for Mabel's "interim" family) Welcome home Mabel!

  2. This is an amazing miracle! I'm so glad Mabel is back and I wish she could tell her story. It's wonderful that Mike and his family took care of her and while I feel a little bit sorry for them, Mabel is back where she belongs. (And you better stick around this time, Mabel!)

  3. This is such amazing, wonderful news! I was just thinking about her yesterday, in fact, and feeling sad that you might never see her again. She was so lucky to have been found and taken care of by Mike and his family, and while I'm sorry they had to give her up, I am so unbelievably happy that she is home with you!

  4. What an incredible story, and one I certainly did not expect to hear at this late date. Perhaps now Mabel will want to stick around home and inside more. I'm really happy for you! She's a sweetie.

  5. OMG!!!!! When I saw your comment on my blog, I rushed right over here to see if you posted about it!!! This is AMAZING!!!!!!
    I have a feeling how Lemmy ended up in the Glencoe parking lot is a similar story - he hitched a ride from somewhere else.
    Hopefully she's had her taste of adventure and will stick closer to home.

  6. You know, I kept hoping against hope that she would be back, and this makes me SO happy! It also makes me happy to know that she was cared for and taken care of, though I can also imagine how heartbroken her temporary family was feeling. But they still did the right thing, God bless them. Seems to me you got an early Christmas present of the very best kind. I'm so happy for all of you! Please give Miss Mabel a kiss from me!

  7. How wonderful!!!!
    When we got our errant girl back she slept for days and wouldn't go back out for weeks. I would have been more than happy to keep her in with our other inside only cats but The Mister insisted she have the choice. I have to say she doesn't go far anymore. She usually stays right where I can see her. We think she got shut in somewhere and couldn't get out. She was very thin and traumatized.
    Your story makes me think of all the kitties that come and go through my yard. I feed them if they are hungry. Some go. Some stay. That's how we got Hoover and Dexter. We never could find their owners. No chips.

  8. This is the best news I have heard in so long! I'm thrilled that your Mabel has returned and that she was cared for in her absence. Thank goodness Mike did the right thing and called you. Fred & George send Mabel all the welcome home scratches and purrs she can handle! XOXO

  9. Vera!!!! I have tears streaming down my face. I've been praying that she was found by someone and taken care of. I saw your comment on Val's post and came directly here to see the news. Mike and his family sound like wonderful people and I am a bit sad for them, but Mabel is back home where she belongs. And it sounds like she knows it. Sweet, sweet girl. I am so, so happy for all three of you.
    Blessings and love,

  10. such wonderful news and knowing that there are kind people in the world helping each other.

  11. Oh, Vera!! What happy, happy news!! I'm so happy for you!

  12. Prayers answered! I’m beyond happy for you and Fletch.

  13. And of course welcome home to Miss Mabel! So happy you're back!

  14. oh Vera, I'm so happy for Mabel AND for y'all! (tears of joy!)

  15. What an amazing story!!!! I am smiling and crying as I read this about Mabel!!!

  16. I am so happy for all of you. Honestly, last week I was walking and saw a kitty and thought of your Mabel and how hard it must have been to just have her disappear and not know what happened to her. That Mr. Mike sounds like a gem of a person.

  17. YAY!!! OMG I couldn't believe the post title when it showed up in my feed! Unbelievable! What a great family (and Mike) to help a stray as they did. I'm sure they are sad to see her go, maybe they will visit a shelter and help another homeless. I stopped allowing Missy outside, thought she would go crazy, but she doesn't even try to sneak out now! Welcome home Mabel!!
