Monday, October 16, 2023

Weekending 10/16/23

 Hello Everyone!

There is a bit of a nip in the air this morning (currently 42 degrees at 7 a.m.).  Looking at the weather forecast ahead, it appears that we have fallen into a pattern of rainy Saturdays.  I hope this does not go on and on and on.

Despite being in busy-busy-busy work mode, I managed to find pockets of good times.  Saturday Dee and I met up at Broad Street Grind in Souderton.  We used to go there regularly and then fell into other places, but Saturday found us back there mostly because across the street and down a little is Northbound where we wanted to have lunch (to celebrate someone's birthday...).  Lunch was delicious.  It was raining pretty hard by the time we left.

Before the rain, or in between rain showers, a few last miinute harvests took place.

Those little eggplants are so cute!  Fletch also picked a good serving of green beans (which we will have tonight) and about a dozen more cherry tomatoes.

Saturday night I decided not to work and instead spent time knitting.  I hadn't really felt like it much recently (getting bored with those socks I'm working on...but determined to finish them up and move on to something else!).

That meant Sunday was going to be busy work-wise.  However, again I found pockets of time to do other things.  I made banana bread in the morning (it was out of the oven before Fletch even came downstairs for breakfast!).  I added some walnuts and chocolate chips to the batter.  YUM!!!

After lunch Fletch and I drove over to Colin & Mailing's.  I wanted to water house plants and Fletch repaired (again) their mailbox.  And, he planted garlic for them!

Colin's garden is way overgrown with weeds, but luckily he had some big pots in his shed and a large bag of soil in the garage.  Hopefully the cloves will do well in the pots and come next year they should have a nice helping of scapes and then a lot of garlic heads.  Fletch will be planting our garlic this week.

It wasn't all that nice yesterday afternoon (sunny while we were at Colin's and then clouds and a bit of rain moved in), but Fletch and I sat out on the patio for about 15 minutes.  In the department of weird, I spotted this:

(Sorry it is so blurry - I could not get a really good picture.)  Yes, that is our apple tree (with a few shriveled apples left) and a pink apple blossom!  I remember once before we came home from a Fall camping trip to find apple blossoms on our tree.  It sure is strange....

I hope you all had nice weekends and I hope your week is off to a good start.  I will be busy-busy again, but hopefully Fletch and I can escape at some point - we both need to order new glasses.

Have a great week!


  1. I'm glad you found time to get together with Dee and also bake this weekend! It's not fun to be as busy as you are but I'm also glad you found some time to write this post. I hope this week gives you at least some time to stitch, knit, and just breathe for a moment or two.

  2. Any time you want to come to my house and have banana bread in the oven when I wake up, you're welcome! I am glad to hear you took some time off from work this weekend; no one who works a regular M-F job should have to work Saturday nights! I hope things calm down soon.

  3. Thank you again for the lovely lunch. It was delicious, but the time together even better.

    My azalea is blooming just a little bit.

  4. I made banana bread this weekend, too. It was the first time I'd baked in ages.

    These rainy and gloomy weekends are such downers. I hope we break out of this pattern soon. And it's cold, too! We should be in the 60s.

    A break from your busy job by hanging with Dee sounds perfect. I'm sure the two of you enjoyed your time together despite the rain. And this time, no musical accompaniment (unless you sang Happy Birthday).

  5. I love chocolate chips in banana bread! Now I want some.

  6. That's about the same temp that I had this morning... brrrr! Mmm, banana bread -- it's been ages since I've baked anything!

  7. chilly here too - though they say we will have a brief warm up on the weekend.
    I noticed a lot of my early spring bulbs (crocuses and grape hyacinths) are sprouting. I've seen it happen a couple times in fall - but it's always weird when it does

  8. Best of luck finishing all the busy-ness at work!

  9. I guess your apple tree didn't get that fall memo, lol. How nice that you've planted for them, what a treat the garlic will be next year. My sister gave me about 4-5 garlic heads and they are ultra tasty!!

  10. I'm glad you found some time to do the things you enjoy despite your weekend of working!

  11. I'm happpy that you found some pockets of time in your weekend. And Happy Birthday. Now I'm going to have to research garlic. I didn't realize you could plant garlic in the fall - obviously I know nothing about growing garlic. It's nice that you still have a few things coming in from the garden.

  12. Hmmm. I wonder if garlic in pots would offer larger heads. Nothing to lose, will give it a try. Taste of Homes Potluck banana cake with coffee frosting is now on my mind.

  13. I need some banana bread in my life, that's for sure! :-)

  14. Sigh, I don’t know how I missed this post yesterday. Your weekend was full of activity. Did you celebrate Dee’s birthday?

  15. I'm glad you had a good time with Dee for lunch! The rainy Saturdays pattern can be frustrating--hope it passes soon!

  16. I'm late, but here! I'm glad that you and Dee were able to find time to get together and celebrate. The banana bread sounds wonderful. I'm going to have to try to remember to add chocolate chips next time I make it. I hope work is slowing down for you and you have a chance to breathe and knit or stitch!
