Friday, October 13, 2023

Busy, Busy

 Hello My Friends,

I would say TGIF, but really...this is my crazy week and I will be working through the weekend.  Yuck.   It is that end of the fiscal year time and the folks I support are supposed to get their bonus calculations/roll-ups to me by today.  It's a lot.  And, I can't trust those people.  I received a few roll-ups yesterday where (for example, not actual figures) there was available funding of $10,000 and submitted bonus requests totaled $12,500.  Do people not look at what they submit?  Apparently's the same every year.

Then I have to look at calculations for higher ups and see that some (many) of them will receive bonus payments well in excess of my annual salary.  I really can't or shouldn't spend much time on that.  Out of my control, same old, same old, etc., etc.  It's frustrating though as you can well imagine.

I did manage to cook dinner yesterday and it was somewhat of a failure - LOL

Crispy tofu with shallots, bell pepper, garlic and brocolli with an Asian-inspired sauce.  I thought it was ok - could have used a bit more flavor.  Fletcher left all of the tofu on his plate!   Not a recipe I will be keeping.  Oh well, I give Fletch bonus points for at least being willing to try it.

Time for me to get back to work - emails are flying in one after another.  I will take a break from work tomorrow to meet up with Dee for some sipping, chatting and knitting.  Also a lunch celebration (someone is having a birthday...).

Have a great weekend!


  1. Ugh! The only good thing is that you will most likely not be dealing with this next year. Here's hoping that you don't have to correct too much simple math and get to have some fun this weekend.

  2. I remember the same type of things at my old job. It would be really frustrating and I'd have to try to forget what I saw after I did my part with the figures. :-)
    I would probably be like Fletch with the tofu. It's strange. I have never found a way to cook it either at home or in a restaurant here that I like. But in Japan? I love it. I don't know what is done differently. I ask Alex what I'm doing wrong and he says nothing. So I've just given up.
    I hope today goes very well for you, (and fast), and that you have a wonderful relaxing and restorative time with Dee tomorrow.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. the best new kind of recipe is one that tastes better with each bite, the worst is the one that starts off okay then gets progressive worse (pad thai for me). I am very picky with tofu and how it is prepared or else I don't like it. I recently found out I do not like the predrained firm tofu!! Hope your weekend is a smooth one.

  4. Oh, troubles are the worst. I hope you get it sorted out.
    I made some sweet and sour tofu last night and it was good but then again I love tofu. Yours looks good to me. I'd have eaten every bit of that.

  5. All that numbers stuff makes my head spin. Enjoy your knitting break with Dee.

  6. Ah, math. It's been my foe for ages. As has tofu.
    Have a good weekend.

  7. I think I might be with Fletcher on that one--not a tofu fan! Have fun with Dee!

  8. I had tofu a few times, required a lot of adds to get some flavor. New recipes are not often here, set in our ways. But I did try a few from you and they were quite good.

  9. I'm sorry you have so much work on your plate, but I certainly hope the people you work with appreciate how much you do to catch these type of mistakes! I would have happily eaten your dinner last night, but I'm one of those weird people who really likes tofu. Hope your work goes quickly and you can get some enjoyment in this weekend!

  10. I think the dinner looks great-it just needed to go over some rice--no tofu for me either! lol

  11. Hope the weekend work isn't too bad. It's amazing how people don't both to look at the stuff they submit... I feel your pain,

  12. Oh man working on the weekend is not fun. I hope you enjoy the time with Dee and celebrate that birthday. Sometimes I wonder if the kitchen gods are just not smiling on some recipes or if my heart wasn't in the preparation.

  13. I'm sorry you've had to work this weekend (and those bonuses! ugh!) but I hope you are finding some time to knit and relax, too.

  14. Sometimes it's really hard to see the numbers, y'know? It's appalling. And the fact that you have to work through a weekend, too . . . is just fuel for the fire. (What will they do without you?????)
