Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Unraveled Wednesday December 1, 2021

 Good Morning!

Welcome to December.  Yesterday was just one of "those" days.  Nothing was right.  Everything was annoying.  Mabel was a beast (well, she is, but that's beside the point), every time I turned around Fletch was in my way (literally, physically in my way), work emails found me dealing with idiots.  Whew!  I was happy to finally go to bed and I am happy to turn the page on the calendar today.

Of course before going to bed there was unravelling - it was just that kind of day.  First I ripped out Bonnie's mitt and then I knit one in different yarn...different pattern...for my friend Leslie.  That one was almost finished last night when I decided it was just awful.  Too tight, messy knitting, you name it.  I knew it earlier on and kept knitting anyway.  Why?  Whatever, that was ripped out completely last night.  Then I spent some time looking at patterns and I "think" I have finally come onto something to make for Bonnie.

If it works out, I'll let you all know what it is!  LOL.  Obviously the yarn does not want to be mitts.  Neither does the purple yarn.

Reading has been along similar lines.  Nothing is quite coming up to my expectations.  I sure hope I am not getting back into a reading rut.  I did finish Mercy Falls and it was good, but a bit on the graphic side for me.  Also, his (William Kent Krueger) books (and Linda Castillo's series) are beginning to feel as though they are all the same.  I'm hoping it was just my mood and I will try the next (in both series).  Meanwhile I am halfway through Georgia and it is ok.  Just ok.  I would like it to be more about her art and less about her relationship with Stieglitz.  So again the reality doesn't come close to matching what my expectations were.  It might be that I'm in a funk of some kind.

No real plans for today other than laundry and some work.  Still waiting on an email from someone at work so I can finish a project.

As usual, I'm linking up with Kat on this Unraveled Wednesday to talk about making and reading.  Go ahead and take a look!!


  1. I hope today is kinder and no one is in your way (Fletch!!) and that Mabel behaves. My husband plays music or whistles or sings all day long - I try to see it as a blessing :)

  2. Oh boy... I am sending you all kinds of good thoughts and a hug or ten for yesterday's woes! Here is to a less frustrating day (and dear Mabel... BEHAVE! lol) (My daughter has the most ingenious trick for beastly cats... a squirt bottle with a bit of water in it. Boy, does that stop the naughties in their tracks!)

  3. I get in a Funk Mood (as I call them) every now and then. It's just like under-the-surface grumpiness about everything. I hope it passes quickly for you! (I went nearly a week without knitting a stitch. I just couldn't settle on my "next project." That rarely happens for me.) Here's to a better day today, Vera! XO

  4. It may be contagious! Yesterday was much the same for me (minus the misbehaving cat). The real estate agent we wanted to use for the MD house has left real estate, the burner on the stove that I use most often stopped working, and I had to use a double point needle to fix/unclog the showerhead. I finally had to go to bed at 8:30 with a book so I didn't say something mean to John. I hope today is much better, with your yarn and cat behaving well!

  5. I had one of those days last week, and I couldn't stand to be around myself. I felt it coming on yesterday, so I went for a drive and got some necessaries at the warehouse club.

    The book I was looking forward to--the Oscar Wilde bio--is killing me. It's badly in need of editing, as if the author wanted to include each and every tiny detail he came across in his research. I had to put it down. I'll start something new soon.

    Hang in there. It must be something in the stars!

  6. I took a break from Krueger and Castillo’s books for the same reason. Have you read any of Lee Child’s books? You might like them.

  7. I'm sorry it was a "day" yesterday. Sometimes it's just like that isn't it? I hope today is scads better! That was too much knitting ripped out for a repeat.

  8. I'm having that kind of day today. All my neighbors have decorated for the holidays but there is no way I can dig out anymore boxes in this mess. I tried and gave up this morning. I hate the idea of skipping Christmas and it's put me in a right Grinchy mood today.

  9. I hope today is shaping up to be a better day. My husband and I have a joke that no matter where he is in the kitchen when I'm trying to cook, he'll always be in front of a drawer or cabinet I need to get into, so I understand very well the bit about Fletch getting in the way.

  10. I hate days like that! Hope today is better

  11. I hope today was a better day. Sometimes life just feels out of sorts. We all have those days every now and then. Sometimes I think posting about projects I'm just beginning is asking for trouble - the curse of them not working out.

  12. It's that kind of slump that means you need to take a walk instead! You will be at it in no time--success is just around the knitting corner!
