Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tiny Needle Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Good Morning!

How are you this fine morning?  We are doing well.  I did get out yesterday morning for a walk.  This time I walked along the canal path.  No sightings of blue herons or turtles.  There were a few ducks on the water.  Someone had decorated a tree along the path.  I believe the lights on the tree are solar (the box on the right of the upper tree).  

This is opposite Fitzwater Station on the other side of the canal.  A place that rents canoes and kayaks...also a fine place for a bite to eat.  Here is a picture of Fitzwater Station (taken from the Web).  It is a 19th century building.  Dee and I have sat on the deck for lunch after walking along the trail.

There were not many people out and about.  It was chilly.  One runner passed me (in both directions) and I saw one couple walking.  That was it!  It was peaceful and beautiful.  And chilly (I keep saying that - but chilly enough that my eyes were tearing up and my nose was running).  Amazing that the day before was so mild.  It started snowing on my drive home.  Nothing accumulated and the flakes were tiny, but it was fun to see.  Walking in the morning was great and I am hoping to do the same today (work emails so far are quiet).

Here we are at the last Tuesday of 2021.  Time for a TNT update.  My "Wintertime" piece is coming along.  I'm not sure it will be finished by the time 2022 arrives, but that is ok with me.  

In the space between the two deer on the left and the single deer on the right a tree will appear.  Underneath the zig-zag line will be motifs like the one in the upper right of the piece.  It is an easy and comfortable piece on which to work.  I have picked out my next piece and it would be fun to start that either New Year's Eve or New Year's Day, but that is not really important.  The enjoyment I get from stitching is the goal.

Our temps are supposed to rise a bit this week, so we may get Mabel outside again.  We could also have a bit of rain.    I'm hoping that Thursday is mild and dry enough for grilling.  Colin & Mailing will be coming over.  Other than that, I have no plans which is nice.  I hope this last week of 2021 is unfolding nicely for you.


  1. It is a warm week here as well! Lovely photos, Vera! I really love your little stitching!

  2. Watering eyes from the cold is my biggest annoyance about walking in the winter -- I'm always worried that people I pass will think I'm crying! But the nice thing about being out on a winter day is that few other people are, and I like that peacefulness.

    I hope your day stays calm and relaxing.

  3. I like walking in the morning, although I'm a bit too lazy this week to actually do that! Your Wintertime stitching is lovely, and I bet you could start your new piece on New Years' Eve or Day, even if this one isn't quite complete. Enjoy the last week of 2021!

  4. That is a lovely spot and the building is so picturesque.

    We've had a run of unseasonably warm days but with damp and cool wind. We may escape December with no snow at all. I'm okay with that!

  5. My Mom would decorate a random tree occasionally, sometimes along a highway where others could enjoy it. Thanks for triggering that fun memory.

  6. You find the most lovely things to embroider.

  7. You have more energy than I have. I did go to the grocery store about 8:00 this morning and walked the entire length of it twice to get some exercise. :-) It's a nice sunny day here. Take care my friend.
    That cross stitch is such a pretty piece. I agree that you find the nicest things to make.

  8. What a lovely place for a stroll! Other than yesterday's cold rain the weather is still really mild here.

  9. Not much walking here at the moment as it's snowy and we live on a hill. That stitching project of yours is going to be very pretty when its finished. I need to follow your example and get back to stitching. Somehow knitting always wins out.

  10. I walk Frodo nearly daily and because of that he expects it which is good for me when I don't feel like walking at all. Lovely photos!!

  11. How nice to enjoy your walks...
    the new stitching is going to be very interesting!
