Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Tree

 Good Morning!

Happy Christmas Eve Eve.  It is almost 6:30 a.m. and still quite dark out there.  I can hear traffic at the end of our street, but otherwise things are quiet.  No birds yet.  Mabel just threw up on the kitchen floor, but she was quiet and I didn't realize she was getting sick!

Yesterday I finally got out the birch log that we put on the buffet at Christmas time.  And, I added red candles to it.  The jewel tree that Fletcher's Mom made is also displayed on the buffet and it looks nice.  That's it for decorating.  It is simple and plenty.

Here is our tree:

Fletch bought a full sized tree and then had it cut down so that it could go in the stand and sit on a small table in the living room.  Voila!  I really like it.  Some favorite ornaments.  First up, the one I think I show every year - one that was made by Colin when he was 5.  We love it because he made it, but also a piece of the gold glitter migrated onto one of his front teeth (not terribly visible in this picture):

Next up is an ornament that Colin & Mailing gave us on Tuesday night:

The detail and the embroidery on this hedgehog are exquisite.

And one more cute critter alongside a vintage bell ornament (one of many that adorned my tree growing up).

Well, I do have a few reports to run this morning and then I think (know) I will be finished for a few days.  My office "closes" at 1 today and Friday and Monday are both holidays.  YAY!!

Not sure if I will post tomorrow or not.  I'll be baking a cake first thing in the morning for dinner at Mailing's parents Friday night.  So, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  Enjoy and Make Merry!!


  1. I have a very similar bell from my childhood tree packed away somewhere. I don't put them out anymore because......cats.
    When we went to the food pantry to donate at the local Catholic church we saw that they were giving away free live trees. They were the sweetest little trees. We used to always have a small real tree in the family room when the kids were little that I let them decorate and the big artificial one with all the good ornaments in the living room. Nothing smells like a real tree. When we moved here we bought balled trees and now have a yard full of them. They are so big now I can't believe they were ever in my living room.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and Fletch!

    Happy Baking as well :)

  3. Enjoy your break from work and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. Your tree is lovely! I love the vintage ornaments (including 5-year-old Colin) and the critters. Wishing you and Fletch a very Merry Christmas!

  5. Lovely tree and ornaments. I love the sweet hedgehog who looks like he's nibbling on a big marshmallow. The vintage bell is gorgeous. I was only able to salvage two ornaments from my childhood tree. I have no idea what happened to the rest of the decorations. Perhaps they'll turn up after Mom is gone.

    Merry Christmas! (I cannot believe you're baking a cake! Why not just take a tray of all those cookies you've been baking?)

  6. the tree and ornaments are so pretty--the hedgehog is superb!

  7. Merry Christmas! Vintage ornaments are the best, especially if they have memories attached to them.

  8. Merry Christmas Vera! Love your beautiful tree and ornaments. Memories are so precious.

  9. Merry Christmas Vera. I'm liking tabletop trees more and more. Sweet ornaments on yours. Enjoy your holiday with family.

  10. A happy Christmas week to you and yours. Your tree looks so pretty. I too like a few simple decorations.

  11. Merry Christmas to you! Love your tree and your ornaments :)
