Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Tiny Needle Tuesday

 Good Morning!

The sun is out and the sky is blue.  I slept a bit later than usual...Tyg was out all night and therefore wasn't meowing to go out at 4 or 5 a.m.  And I slept well!  Halleluiah!!  Did anyone else watch the Ken Burns special on Hemingway that started on PBS last night (on for 3 consecutive nights...2 hours each night)?  We watched and thought it was well done (as all of Ken Burns' productions seem to be).

Before we get into TNT (Tiny Needle Tuesday), what with April being Poetry Month, I wanted to mention that my friend Leslie just had another poem published!  It is here: ohenry magazine and if you scroll down to Poet's Corner, her poem is "Industrial Fabric."  So happy for her and proud of her!

Now on to our standing Tuesday date with my stitching.  It is moving ever closer to the finish!  There is still much to stitch...some more creatures and more letters, a leaf and a mushroom!! (or maybe it is a toadstool).  Here is an overview:

This past week I stitched a moose, a second rabbit, a second fox and a couple of letters (R & W).  Here are close ups of the new critters:

I know I say this every week, but I do love the way this is coming together.  Also, I was so curious about whether or not the motifs at the bottom would match up that one day I basted from the bottom of the motif on the left over to the one at the right corner and YAY - they meet up perfectly!  No need for me to fudge anything.

Still to be determined is the color I will use for my own 3 initials and I will also add 2021 somewhere.  Any suggestions?  I want the letters to not be the same green as the other letters...I could use another color from the sampler or use a completely new color that is not currently in the sampler.  I'm mulling over ideas, but if you have thoughts please let me know.

Such a beautiful looking day - I'm hoping to get out for a walk and maybe do some archery.  I did go to the office yesterday so that is not on today's docket.

Here's hoping your Tuesday is sunny and pleasant - enjoy!!


  1. Goodness, but your needle was busy! Love the new additions, especially the fox.

    Perhaps a wine or burgundy for your initials? Something not too outside the palette of the sampler, but just a bit more saturated.

  2. I love that second fox and I'm so glad that things match up! Not that you couldn't have figured something out, but it's nice to know you can stitch on in confidence. Leslie's poem is so descriptive! Congratulations to her and thank you for sharing.

  3. Oh, darn....I was planning on watching that PBS show on Hemingway but I forgot. Maybe I'll catch it on re-runs.
    That sampler is just too gorgeous. What an amazing accomplishment it is going to be.

  4. This is really getting close and it is gorgeous. Do you use a hoop?

  5. I love that the moose and the bird near it are almost the same size. The distorted scale might drive me batty in other contexts but works well here!

    When I did a lot of cross stitch in the past, I'd "sign" my pieces with a single strand of one of the lighter colors used in the piece so that it would blend in but not be too obvious.

  6. It's really beautiful...and your stitching must be really really accurate...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  7. I adore this project and how you share your progress, so beautiful!! The sky is blue here too!

  8. Your sampler is really getting close to being done. One thing, I think what you called a moose is actually an elk. We have a lot of them here. That would make a nice pillow cover! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. This sampler is such an interesting project. I love watching it come together. What a labor of love. The sky was full of racing clouds today, sometimes the background was blue, sometimes gray, and sometimes something in between. It was beautiful to watch.

  10. This sampler is just gorgeous, Vera! And I love seeing your progress each week! Those animals...they are just my favorite parts! That bunny! :)
