Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Post #2 on 4/28/21 - Cross Stitch Charts Free for the Taking

 Hi All,

A quick 2nd post today.  As I mentioned yesterday, I came across some cross stitch charts that I have already stitched...and I will not be stitching them again.  I know there are more, but this is what I found on Monday.  These are free if anyone wants them.  I'm happy to send them out (and free up a little space in my stash pile!!).  I just took very quick pictures and all but one are sideways and I can't flip least I don't want to take the time to do so.

If there is anything you would like, let me know.  I'll hold them for a week or so and then will donate.  If more than one person wants the same chart, I'll use the random number generator.

Here they are:

Hoping someone will find something they would like!!


  1. I would like to stitch the May Basket pattern please.
    Susie Kepley
    1010 NE Banner St
    Lees Summit MO 64086
    Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  2. How generous of you! You have some beautiful patterns. It makes me sorry I have so many projects already on the go or lined up in the queue.

  3. A generous offer! All of the samplers are wonderful.

  4. What a nice thing for you to do! I'd love the Sailor's Huswif or the Fox Forest.

    1. Janna - you are "no reply" so I cannot get in touch with you to request an address. If you are still interested, please let me know.

  5. That is SO generous of you. I have too many projects going already though. It will be fun to see others stitching up some of your charts.

  6. Hello,
    They are all so pretty, I am sure you will have plenty of takers.
    Have a great day!

  7. Oh my! I am certain by now they are all taken - but if they are not, I would love any of them! :)

  8. I recognize several of these you have done!
