Monday, January 13, 2025

Weekending 1/13/25

 Greetings from Grey PA,

It's certainly not very inspiring outside this morning.  It's all grey and overcast, though (thankfully) no precipitation in today's forecast.

How was your weekend?  Ours was relaxed and pretty lazy.  There was time for reading, knitting and stitching!  I did venture out to the State Store on Saturday to get wine and also to the library to pick up books.  Fletch was good enough to clean off my car before I ventured out (we had more snow overnight Friday night).

Yesterday we ventured over to Colin & Mailing's for brunch.  It was Iris' 1 month birthday!!  Colin fixed pineapple mimosas (Yum) and delicious chicken and waffles.  We had some greens on the side.  Everything was delicious.  We only stayed through brunch.  It was pretty obvious that C&M were both tired.  And, truth be told, we were tired too. I took a 1.5 hour nap once we got home!

This morning has been a bit on the busy side.  I got up a little late (for me) (7 a.m.), came down and got the coffee perking and then dove in to some chores.  I put a clean tablecloth on the table, took the Christmas things off the buffet and put a new runner down.  Brought back my fairy light tree and the little house that Zhongren built.  Put some more things in the donation bag and got the first load of wash going.

I also watered all the house plants and my largest Christmas Cactus is still blooming.  Lots of blossoms and more buds.

Well, time to get the first load of wash into the dryer and get the second load started.  And, time for another cup of coffee!  Hope your Monday is off to a great start!


  1. My Monday is starting opposite from yours, very slowly. I got up and started catching up on blogs from the weekend. Mandy and I had our Jane Austin book club on Saturday. We've volunteered to bring the raffle prize for September. I found a cross-stitch I'll be making for part of the prize. Hopefully it will arrive soon.
    I just know how much you enjoy visiting your sweet little Iris. The first months are exhausting for new parents. I think they often feel like zombies for awhile.
    Have a great Monday Vera.

  2. one month flew by!! I bet they are tired, lol. Sounds like a fun get together!

  3. It's hard to believe that you celebrated Iris' first month birthday! I wish we could see pictures of her (but understand C&M's rules about that) so maybe next time you can share pictures of the food. It all sounds delicious. I sure wasn't serving a brunch like that when my kids were one month old!

  4. Oh, time goes by so quickly--get those visits in often to see Iris!!! The buffet looks great-nice seasonal accents!

  5. One month old! How time flies! I hope that C&M managed to sneak in a nap as well after that brunch! Happy Monday to you!

  6. Very jealous of your blooming cactus - mine haven't bloomed in over a year! (My fault - a bit of neglect, and moving them to un-ideals spots). I miss those flowers at this time of year!

  7. I can't believe she's already a month old! I think time passes more quickly when they're really little. Sundays are great for naps, so I hope C&M&I all took one, too. And we're having some sunshine today, so I hope it finds its way to you -- I agree that the gloom and the cold make for a miserable time.

  8. Wow, a month! It must be so fun to watch her change and grow.

  9. I'm sure C&M are tired all the time these days, caring for a newborn is exhausting. But I hope Iris is settling in well and they are developing a routine that works for them. Your brunch sounds delicious!

  10. Pineapple mimosas sound wonderful! Daughter is starting to be able to catch her breath with her new addition who is two weeks older than Iris. Daughter was so worried about having to deal with two little ones but they all seem to be settling in just fine.

  11. What a lovely weekend ... and even better that you got a peek at little Iris and enjoyed that brunch with her parents. and thank you for the heads up about The Great Migration show on PBS - we'll look for it. Have a good week!

  12. What a nice weekend. How fun to have some time with C and M and that darling little granddaughter. It's so fun to watch them grow and change.
