Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Unraveled Wednesday 1/15/25

 Good Morning Friends, 

I hope this Wednesday morning finds you doing well.  Mabel allowed me to sleep a little later this morning, but I was awake in the night (from roughly 2 a.m. through 4 a.m.) and listened to the wind once again howling around outside.  I've never been one to be bothered by the wind.  I don't like being in it (sensitive ears), but it hasn't "bothered" me per se.  This year?  I am bothered.  It just feels like it is incessant and unrelenting.  I say enough already!

And, I can't seem to warm up.  Yesterday I was cold all day long.  (I was wearing wool socks and slippers, leggings, a turtleneck and sweatshirt and had a shawl wrapped around me.). I took a nap under a heavy wool Pendleton blanket and woke up shivering!  What's up with that?  I'm trying to remember the sweltering heat of the summer and how I longed at the time for cooler temps, but that is not working.

OK, enough complaining.  Time to get on with the day.  It's Wednesday which means Unraveled Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk all about the making and reading.

I haven't yet started back on the Heart Warmer Cowl.  I had also hoped to cast on a hat, but that hasn't happened yet.  I did, however, start a new sock so that I would have something easy and simple to knit while Fletch and I listen to a book after dinner.

 (My cute little sheepy stitch marker is from a visit to the Finger Lakes Fiber Festival years and years ago.). The yarn is some of my 2024 Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter.  No pattern - just a plain vanilla sock.

Several books were finished this past week.  First there was The Secret Life of Sunflowers by Marta Molnar.  This is a novel based on the life of van Gogh's sister-in-law, Johanna Bonger.  Of course there is a modern day story to go along with Johanna's story and that was a little bit of "chick-lit," but overall I enjoyed the book.

Next up was A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick.  Definitely "chick-lit."  There was divorce, cancer, new friends, opening a quilt shop, etc., etc.  A very quick read that was not all that inspiring, but apparently what I needed at the time.

Lastly, there was Here by Richard McGuire.  Graphic novels are not my typical genre, but Kat had recommended this book last week.  And you know what?  I enjoyed it!!  I requested it from my library, picked it up Saturday morning and read it Saturday night.  Really, there is not a lot to read, but the art work is very interesting and parts of this look at a corner of a room over hundreds of thousands of years was pretty humorous as well.  I'm sure I did not catch a lot of things since I did not look again (and again and again) at the book.  I also saw that it is a movie (which I'm having a hard time understanding...but...I may look for it).

Finally, Fletch and I are continuing to listen to The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson after dinner and are continuing to enjoy it.  This will be going on for some time as we have at least 22 hours left to listen!!

I'm headed to the library later to pick up another book or two and we also need more peanuts for the birds.  Hope your Wednesday is a good one!


  1. Your new sock start is lovely, Vera! And there is a movie?? How did I not know that? LOL I am trying to imagine how the brilliance of the book cold be translated to a movie (where there'd be a lot more talking, right?) Although... don't forget your keys and your wallet! LOL

  2. I've also found the winds unsettling in the past couple of weeks. I don't know why either; it''s just one of those perks of getting older! Your sock is off to a good start and that yarn is lovely. I'm also reading Here, but have been perusing it very slowly. I also read something about a movie, but I guess that just means they can make a movie out of anything (even a book without words).

  3. The winds have been crazy here too. Lots windier (is that a word), than I remember Spokane being. It's constant here on the plains. In the summer it carry's the dirt from nearby farms, in the winter, it's just plain COLD. Your socks are great. Such a pretty yarn and my favorite color.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I just listened to A Single Thread - easy listening 😉. Hope you warm up. I have also been so cold this week. We have a thick layer of fog holding the chill in - brrrrrr.

  5. I think I am going out for a walk, it says it feels like 13 and I can handle that with lots of layers. We had unexpected snow yesterday. Love January and all of the knitting that is consuming me!

  6. When I get chilled, I have a very hard time warming up. I find a hot bath helps. Then get out and immediately get into warm clothes! And don't get your hair wet, or it just makes you cold as it dries, lol

  7. Pretty beginning for the sock. Might want to have your thyroid levels checked the next time you see the doctor, as it might be playing a role in your relentless chills.

  8. The wind has been a problem here too. My weather app just shows days of that wind symbol which I never like to see. It's also showing some scary cold temperatures heading our way next week.
    I'm always either too hot or too cold. Ever since I went through menopause (21 years ago-gulp) I can't regulate my temperature at all. I walk around looking like a scarecrow because I have to pull on or pull off layers all day long. It's miserable. ```

  9. I agree with you about the wind and the cold! And the heat isn't working in part of my library (including my office) and that doesn't help. It was 59° today when I opened the door. Brrrr.

  10. What pretty sock yarn. Sometimes a vanilla sock is the best knitting of all. I hope you finally feel warm. Sometimes if I've been out and about on a cold day, I need a hot bath in order to get warm.

  11. Ooof unrelenting wind. I hate that. But I love your sock.

  12. I love your wee sheepie stitch marker! I haven't been able to feel like I've been able to get warm lately, either, despite wearing lots of wool and lots of layers. I think it must be because it's been so darn cold! I'm officially done with winter.

  13. Those awake hours are not pleasant! The sock is very pretty!

  14. Y'know . . . my favorite socks are the plain-vanilla variety. I love the colors in the new sock you've started! I hope you manage to warm up a bit, Vera. Keep piling on those wool pieces and be gentle with yourself!

  15. It's just plain COLD this year, and we haven't been used to it after so many mild winters. I've boosted the furnace a couple of degrees and still keep my gigantic heating pad close by/in use so often.

  16. The Warmth of Other Suns -- excellent!! I recommended that for months after finishing. And still, when I think of it! I'm searching my lists and notes for a graphic novel title (that I was surprised to enjoy as much as I did, typically not my jam. And it was fantastic. Almost always good for me to get out of a rut :)...) If I find it, I'll email you.
    I'll think of you when I wake at 3am. It's bad enough when I wake on my own, but lately it's been to the sound of the plow clearing a parking lot across the street! Grr!! Wishing you rest and warmth.
