Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Poem. 1/16/25

Good Morning!

I was not intending to post today, but then I saw Bonny's Post and was reminded that it is the third Thursday of the month (already!!) and time for A Gathering of Poetry.  Today I am sharing one of my favorite Ted Kooser poems.  It can be found in his book "Valentines."

Screech Owl

All night each reedy whinny

from a bird no bigger than a heart

flies out of a tall black pine

and, in a breath, is taken away

by the stars.  Yet, with small hope

from the center of darkness

it calls out again and again.


  1. This is lovely, Vera. I think I could have identified the author as Ted Kooser as it's descriptive and he says so much in just two sentences. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful poem!

  2. We have owls in our woods. For 30 plus years I've heard them calling to each other but not once have I ever seen one. I was trying to identify them by their calls a few months ago and think we have some great horned owls out there. I'd love to see one.

  3. What a beautiful poem ... and I love that it's a "valentine".

  4. Dear Ted Kooser! This is lovely, Vera... and not one I have read before! Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. One thing I so admire about poets is how they can capture so much with so few words, and this is no exception. Thank you for sharing it!

  6. I live by a lot of woods and rarely hear owls...I love the sound of them!!

  7. Kooser has such a beautiful way of looking at the world and then telling the story in a poem. Thanks Vera.
