Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Unraveled Wednesday 1/22/25

 Good Morning All,

I do hope everyone is managing with this bitter cold weather (IF you are in polar vortex that is).  I looked at two different weather apps this morning.  One told me it was -5 outside and the other told me it was +1.  To me they feel pretty much the same!  Those crazy kids (C&M) took Iris out for a walk yesterday!  They texted a picture to Fletch and she was so bundled up (thank goodness and as she should be).  I don't know how long they were out or how Iris took to the frigid air.  Colin had bought a fleece bunting (complete with bear ears, covered feet and covered hands) for Iris, so I'm sure she was toasty.  And, my friend Leslie had crocheted her the cutest hat.  (At this point I am remembering how Colin would literally howl and scream and cry any time I tried to put a winter coat on him - LOL - he was the child who would go outside in the snow in shorts and a tank top.)

Yesterday I did get out to do the grocery shopping...but many shelves were bare (none of Fletch's yogurt, no broccoli, no scallions, etc., etc.).  However, there were plenty of fresh flowers and I just had to get some.

Actually the yellow roses are from the prior week.  They never really opened up, and some wilted, but I added some new flowers to brighten up our days a bit.  There is also a vase on the table.  Today I will probably venture to a second grocery store to see if I can find what the first store was lacking.  First, though, I have promised Fletch that I will bake some oatmeal cookies for him.

Before I get to the baking though, it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk all about making and reading.

Only a little knitting was accomplished during the past week.  I know the sock looks the same, but a number of rows have been added.

I need/want to pick another color for this sock (there is not enough of the light grey for 2 socks).  I will try to get to that today.  Also on the intention list is to get back to my Heart Warmer Cowl and to cast on a hat.  Colin continues to walk on these chilly mornings and I think a nice warm hat is in order for him.  As usual, I'm full of good intentions. (Isn't that quote something like the road to hell is paved with good intentions?  Hopefully I will not end up in hell.  LOL)

Reading has been excellent though.  I have two books that I highly recommend for you.  They are so good that I have, in fact (Carole - do NOT laugh) started keeping a journal (yes - moi) of quotes.  I kept a journal like that years ago and then stopped.  Anyway, onward to the books.  The first is The Heartbeat Library by Laura Imai Messina.  This novel is all about loss, grief, healing, friendship and is simply marvelous.

The second book is one a number of you have already read:  The Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer.  Gratitude, reciprocity and community.  Lovely concepts.  As I mentioned in my post yesterday, our neighbor Rob bringing over fresh baked bread from his oven made me think of this book (and I will be sharing cookies with him!).  Reading this book got me thinking about how my grandparents lived in Vermont.  They did an awful lot of bartering.  At one point my grandfather was running the village creamery and would trade butter and milk for meat from other villagers.  My grandparents never had much but they did have plenty.  Having read this I am also reminded that I bought "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Kimmerer but have not read it.  I need to make room on my nightstand for that book for some "before I turn out the light reading" each night.

That's a wrap for me on this Unraveled Wednesday.  Be sure to head over to Kat's to see what others are up to in the making and reading worlds.  I guarantee you will be filled with inspiration.


  1. I used to hate to take the kids out when it was cold. They would get dressed in a hurry if it was for sledding or a snowball fight but if it was to go to the grocery store, the first one I had dressed was often undressed by the time I got the second one ready. And they both hated hats. I do hope Iris gets to stay indoors the rest of this week! Your socks look lovely, and I don't envy you going to a second grocery store. I do like the idea of staying home and baking oatmeal cookies. Stay warm!

  2. Thank you for the book reccos! I read Braiding Sweetgrass and found it a bit on the plodding side but will check out the new book!

  3. I remember fighting getting bundled up myself as a kid; I think it was that I didn't like the feeling of so many layers on me. Now, though, I'm happy for all the wool!

    I'm glad to hear you've had some good reading lately. I really enjoyed Braiding Sweetgrass, so The Serviceberry is on my TBR for sure!

  4. I do love the shade of purple in those socks!

    We had the HVAC guys here yesterday installing our heat pump and hot water heater. That meant the furnace was off pretty much all day. And on top of it, we had guys here blowing some more insulation into the attic (it was a busy day lol!) so that meant the front door was open for about an hour!
    By the time the guys turned the furnace back on, the house was down to 50F inside! Luckily, I was able to stay up in my office with my little electric space heater on all day. I can't wait for spring!

  5. It's supposedly 30 degrees warmer today than yesterday, (still only 25F), but it feels colder to me. The wind is really blowing from the north. Brrr. I just came inside from taking Zoey outside and forgot to wear a hat. My ears are frozen. I just saw recently on a decumentary about in Scandanavian countries it's a common practice to put babies outside in their strollers for naps during the day. They just bundle them up and leave them outside for an hour or two. Sometimes in sub-zero temperatures! I can't even imagine. My flip-flops doesn't sound too ba after that!

  6. Daughter sent me a photo of her new one laying in the snow. He was in his bunting and I'm sure he was only out there long enough to get a quick photo but still.....I had to gasp. Legend says that once my own mother left me out in my stroller to get some air only to come back and find me covered with snow. I think it's why I like the cold and snow so much.

  7. The socks look pretty. In the photo, I think the yarn is light lavender but then you wrote gray. My Mom used to put us outside in a baby bug for "air" even in the winter and she was a nurse. You remind me that fresh flowers are a great idea right now. Maybe when I go to T. Joe's tomorrow I'll see what they have and how much they cost.

  8. I think C&M are wise new parents... fresh air is the best thing... even cold fresh air. Despite this bitter weather, taking Frankie out even for just a few minutes and taking some deep breaths just clears out the cobwebs and I feel so much better after doing so!

    Braiding Sweet Grass is one of my all-time favorite books!

  9. I also get a bit alarmed when I see littler ones out in the bitter cold like we've been having. But, as long as they're bundled and warm, it really is a good thing for them. Jared takes Theo out to run errands and get the mail, and last night they went out for dinner because Jordan is travelling again for work. He loves to be outdoors.

    I'm jealous of your fresh flowers. Does Mabel ever bother them? My cats always do, so I just can't have them unless I put them so out of the way that I can't really enjoy them.

  10. since I love cold weather I always took the kids out no matter what if that is what I wanted to do. We lived in the upper peninsula of Michigan when our daughter was 2 yo. I remember bundling her up and toting her on a sled to go to the grocery store!!
