Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 10/2/24

Good Morning Friends,

Isn't that a pretty Mum?  Fletch picked that up on one of his outings the other week and as time has moved on the mum has changed a bit.  It kind of went dormant or something when Damon & Peggy were here.  After they left it perked right up again and now the colors are intensifying somewhat.  I love it!  Fletch picked up two others as well - a brilliant purple and a burnt orange, but the deer have munched on both of those...

Here we are at the first Wednesday in October and it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Two subjects dear to my heart.  Once again my making has been more on the stitching side of things (see yesterday's post) and less on the knitting.  My poor Semplice Shawl has seen no love in almost 2 weeks.  I'm enjoying it...but I'm just not knitting on it right now.  The first Tapped Maple sock is almost finished.  About 15 more rows on the BIG foot and then I will start the toe decreases.

As for reading, I finished North Woods by Daniel Mason and absolutely loved it!  What a unique and interesting and fun book.  It certainly will not be everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it was great.  I picked up Leonard and Hungry Paul from the library and have started that.  As everyone who has read it says, it is just a nice book!

An interloper just arrived at the office front window feeder.  I heard a terrible racket - much louder than the normal birds flying in and this is what I saw:

Yes, Mr. Squirrel has come calling.  Mabel will not like this!  Nor will Fletch (as said squirrel was hanging on to the siding at one point).

He did not even move when I knocked on the window!!

Time for me to pour another cup of coffee.  Hope your Wednesday is a delightful one!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 10/1/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

How are you?  I'm a bit stiff - I woke up chilly and that always makes me stiff.  It will ease up as the coffee warms me.

The first Tuesday of October and it's time for a TNT update.  The Blessing by Vilma Becklin is continuing to expand!  More of the roof was stitched (still more roof to come), a lot of the tree on the left and most (not all) of the leaves.  Plus the addition of the first cat!

This is such an addictive stitch for me.  One, I really like the design and two, the silk threads are a joy to use.  Fortunately multiple applications of hand cream has helped stop the thread from snagging on my rough hands!

Yesterday we were having spaghetti with clam sauce for dinner.  I went out to the garden to get some that plus one fig and then saw the tomatoes.  I went back with the gathering basket:

More large tomatoes are ripening each day.  I need to make some sauce or some ratatouille or something!

Fingers crossed we may be away from the drizzle we've had for days on end.  The sun came out yesterday afternoon and this morning looks a bit brighter!

What are you up to today?