Monday, April 1, 2024

Weekending 4/1/24

 Hello and Good Morning!

How was your weekend?  I hope everyone had a good one and a Happy Easter.

My weekend was nice.  Saturday morning Fletch and I ran some errands including picking up some tulips to take to Colin & Mailing on Sunday and getting some new lettuce (red and green romain) and spinach to go in the cold frame.

Saturday afternoon I sat down and finished the first shortie sock!!  I do love the way it turned out.

I also used a new (to me) technique for closing up the toe.  I used the Finchley Graft (if you have not heard of it, there are multiple YouTube videos showing it).  The hardest part for me was turning the sock inside out because I had already put the last stitches on two needles!  The Finchley Graft was fun and easy to do.  (Sock #2 is underway now.)

Colin had suggested that we come over in time to take a walk before dinner on Sunday, but Fletch had been in the garden planting the lettuce and spinach and it had gotten quite breezy and chilly outside.  Of course, later in the day the winds died and the sun came back out, but we arrived too late for a walk.  Dinner was delicious (ham, pineapple stuffing, green beans, Chinese eggplant) and dessert was very yummy.  Colin had made an Atlantic Beach Pie which is a wonderful cross between lemon meringue pie and key lime pie.  Delicious!!

A sweet ending to a wonderful meal.  After dinner we all went out back for a fire.  Bonus:  we saw the space station fly overhead once again.

We are due for rain today and the next several days.  Sounds to me like a perfect day for being lazy.  I'll get some laundry done, but no other plans.  Whatever you do - enjoy!


  1. This sounds like a lovely weekend. Mine was so full that I didn't allow time to blog about it! Enjoy your time easing into the week, Vera.

  2. Happy Easter and what a great weekend to be with family! Love your wee sock.

  3. Such a cute sock. Well done.
    I'd heard of the Atlantic Beach Pie while watching a baking show on television last year. It sounded wonderful.

  4. Glad to hear it was a lovely weekend, even if the weather didn't cooperate fully. I've never heard of that pie but it sounds intriguing! Love the shortie sock, too. I hope its mate has been cast on!

  5. What a great weekend! C&M's food always sounds delicious and I am going to make to try that pie someday. It's a combination of my two favorites! That sock is also lovely and I will have to look up the Finchley Graft. I can manage Kitchener but only if I repeat what I'm doing out loud.

  6. It was a lovely weekend here as well! I had FaceTimes with grandkids that might have been the high points! I love your shortie sock! Perfect for spring! That rain has begun here... but it is just delightful!

  7. I'm glad you had a good weekend! The sock is super sweet! Oh, and so is that pie! Yum!

  8. We had a very nice (and very low key) weekend here, too. A little birthday-ing, a little Easter-ing. Just right! Love your shortie sock. It looks perfect for spring.

  9. Loving that cute little sock! It sounds like a perfect weekend to me and that pie looks and sounds delicious. I'm so glad your kids are back, I know you missed them a lot.

  10. Sounds like a perfect kind of weekend. (My mom and sister both had the same plates as Colin and Mailing.)

  11. I love the colors in that sock. I'm a big fan of the way they all seem to blend together. Dyers who can pull that off have my utmost respect.

  12. So glad the weather held for a fire after Easter dinner. The sock looks terrific!

  13. How nice to have some nice weather over the weekend. I'm glad you enjoyed time with your family. The shortie sock looks so nice. Seems like I just read about that grafting technique somewhere. Happy Monday evening.

  14. Sounds like a lovely weekend Vera and now I need to check out the graft technique you mentioned.

  15. I've been thinking about building a cold frame, but the best spot I have to put it currently houses my box trailer. :(

  16. Interesting! I've never heard of the Finchley Graft before. I like how simple it is. Thanks for sharing that!
