Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 4/24/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

After several gorgeous days, it looks like we are in for some grey weather.  However, I did manage to take a picture of our Redbud yesterday.  It is gorgeous this year!

This white blooms behind the Redbud are wild cherry trees at the edge of our woods.

Mabel, sweet Mabel, has been racing up and down the apple tree which is now full of blooms too.

She is a pistol and full of energy.  At times she seems to have no fear whatsoever, but she is also smart.  Mr. Fox was wandering around the yard early yesterday morning and Mabel stayed inside for quite some time.  Fortunately.

Anyway, it's Wednesday and time to check in with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk all things making and reading.  Come and join in the fun!

As you might imagine, not a whole lot of knitting was accomplished last week.  I did take my sock to work on in NC, but I only put in a few rows first thing in the morning when I was up before anyone else.  I'm finally nearing the toe decrease on sock #1 (and the toe will be in the gold color too).

Here's another shot where you can (hopefully) see the pattern just below the cuff.

I should finish this up soon and get sock #2 on the needles pronto!

Last night I finished reading The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson and loved it.  Thank you Jane for recommending this very well written novel.  I picked up two books from my library yesterday, but have not started either.  Fletch and I started listening to a new book on Audible last night after dinner - more on that next week.

There has been no stitching in over a week and I am hoping to start a new piece today.  Time will tell.  I was up most of the night coughing, so I am a bit weary at this early morning hour.  I plan to cancel my haircut appointment and will reschedule that for another week when (hopefully) this sinus congestion and cough are gone!

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday - enjoy!!


  1. She is SUCH a climber! And that redbud photo--it sure highlights how much farther ahead you are in springtime...
    Love that gold on your sock, it's a favorite of mine. And I hope you start feeling better. Coughing is a real damn nuisance, I know. Today's a good day to hunker down and rest. In fact, from where I sit, it practically looks like nighttime, still! Take good care.

  2. Be careful, Mabel! I love that sock and the design you did on the cuff. It reminds me of arrows, so I might do something like that for Justin someday. (But he has size 14 feet so it probably won't be socks!) I do hope you can get rid of the cough and congestion and get some sleep. I had to take cough medicine last night when I was awake coughing from post-nasal drip. (Delsym DM worked pretty well for me!)

  3. Seeing Mabel up in that tree makes me nervous, even though I know she does it all the time! The socks are looking good. I hope that cough eases soon -- I'm sure you really need more rest to get over this thing, and the coughing is just not helping!

  4. I haven't seen any redbud here yet... always a highlight of spring!! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  5. I am surprised that some trees are still in bloom around here too. This spring seems to have gone on forever. I guess it was because Easter was so early.

  6. Feel better soon! I love redbuds, but I love Mabel more!

  7. All the trees here are coming into bloom and it's glorious! The only thing to make it better would be to have a Mabel in every tree!

  8. Aww, sweet Mabel. She looks happy in the tree. Does she stay in the yard now after her big adventure. I still can't believe she's back home with you where she belongs after all of that. The tree is beautiful. We have cherry blossoms blooming around here too.
    The sock is very pretty. That's a nice pattern under the cuff.

  9. What a great shot of Mabel! Fred & George can be kind of skittish, I wish they could see Mabel and all of her fearlessness!

  10. What a beautiful Redbud tree Vera! I miss seeing them bloom. Great looking sock, love the design. Miss Mabel sounds like she is a delight and love it that she has fun, and stays out of sight from the fox.

  11. So glad you mentioned the Redbud. Many are in bloom here and I could not remember the tree's name!! We have the cold weather back, but next week will be glorious. FIngers crossed I won't get the nastiness that my sister's family has, hope yours is a minor sniffle and no more!!

  12. What handsome socks. Your redbud tree is gorgeous. I'm glad you enjoyed The Seed Keeper. I also thought it was well written.

  13. Your trees are just beautiful, Vera! (especially with a Mabel in them!) Ha!

    What beautiful socks... that subtle patterning is perfect!

  14. LOVE your blooming trees, Vera! (And Mabel, too, of course.) This is such a lovely time of year. (Except for the pollen. . . ) I hope you're feeling better every day. XO

  15. Hoping the cold moves out soon. The sock is coming along nicely! Mabel is pretty crazy in those trees--so amazing to watch, I'm sure!
