Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 4/3/24

 Good Morning All,

Welcome to soggy Eastern PA.  Oh my!  The rains just keep coming and coming.  All day yesterday and it looks like more of the same for today.  I woke at 4 a.m. (again) to very heavy rain and one long and loud clap of thunder.  Mabel was a bit crazy running around and knocking things over, but I managed to get back to sleep until 6:30 when that girl REALLY got crazy!  LOL. Hopefully all this rain will be good for the gardens and our flowers (though I can see that some of our daffodils have been blown down or knocked down by all the rain).

Anyway, here we are mid-week and it's time to link up with and check in with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk about all the making and all the reading.  Believe it or not, I have a finish!!  Shortie socks are FAST!!

I absolutely LOVE these.  And, they were fun to make.  The yarn is from The Farmer's Daughter Fibers - it is my February Sock Squad yarn.  The two main colors are called "Whatta Gem - Citrine and Amethyst" and the blue is the mini skein (unnamed).  The first sock took me a week to make, but sock #2 was cast on Sunday and the cuff knit.  I picked it up again on Monday and finished it yesterday.  That's a record for me!!  There will definitely be more shortie socks in my future (and what a great way to use up leftovers).  These socks are also where I tried out The Finchley Graft for the first time and it is so easy.  I don't mind the Kitchener Stitch (to me it is almost meditative), but the Finchley Graft is faster (fewer steps).

This morning I will look through the stash to pick out yarn for the next socks...or I will wind the April yarn and use that!  I MUST have a sock project to take when we go away this weekend.  LOL. I'm thinking of taking the Shakerag Skirt too...but that is to be determined.  Space is at a premium since we are driving to our AirBnB with C&M.

As for reading, I am currently reading How to Say Babylon which is the next selection for our Read With Us group.  Last week I said it was just ok...but as I got further into the book it has become more compelling.  Also heartbreaking and disturbing.  This book has been compared to "Educated" (which I read but did not like).  It sure makes me thankful to have been raised the way I was!  I have less than 100 pages left, so I should finish this before we leave for the weekend.  

I've recently picked up a lot of books from the library - many recommended by some of you.  One of the books I saw and took out is The Fox Wife which I think at least one of you read.  It looks good - mixing a mystery with a folk tale or myth.  That may be the book I stick in my bag for the weekend.

Along with choosing yarn for my next sock project, I plan to bake some cookies today to take with us this weekend.  My friend Carol was planning to come up today (to celebrate birthdays and Christmas!!  I have not seen her in a year!), but she has opted not to travel with the yucky weather.  The drive between our homes is a miserable one - Route 95, The Blue Route, the Schuylkill Expressway - not a fun drive in good weather.  Add in rain and wind and it is miserable.  We will pick another day to gather.  Meanwhile, I can put the extra time I now have to good use!

Laundry also needs to be done.  I'm hoping that I don't find a lot of water in our basement!

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I have to go put my laundry in the dryer and I'm also hoping I don't find water in my cellar. This rain is miserable! But your socks look great and I think that was the fastest second sock finish I've ever seen!

  2. The rain here is of epic proportions... no water in our basement... yet. But the standing water in our backyard is an indicator that there will be water in the basement soon! Sigh.

    I love your shortie socks! So much! I am a person who does wear socks in the warmer months... AC is not my favorite, but Steve needs it at arctic levels, so shorties socks might be a good thing!

    I loved The Fox Wife!

  3. We've had dry weather for a few days, but the extended forecast says a lot of rain next week. I hope it gets it out of it's system because we have a camping trip planned in two weeks. Yikes!
    Sorry your visit was cancelled, but better safe than sorry. Stay dry!

  4. Those socks are really cute. I've never knit a pair of short socks but you are tempting me with these. That rain is headed here today and tomorrow, along with high winds. Oh yay.

  5. gorgeous socks! it has been raining steadily here since yesterday and it's kind of depressing! I am ignoring it for now.

  6. Those socks are sooo cute! Perfect for spring!

  7. I have been on the fence about How to Say but maybe I'll give it a try. I did not like Educated AT ALL and I think we might be a club of two on that!

  8. It's been very soggy here as well -- a number of local school districts are having remote learning days because there are so many roads with flooding! I imagine Mabel is going a little stir crazy.

    Love the shorties! I was just thinking that I need to knit myself some more pairs after finding the hole in that one the other day.

  9. What sweet socks!
    I hear you about the rain. It's really getting to me today. Not only is it giving me a headache, I've got a house full of antsy cats and a pouting dog that are making me crazy. It's good for my new shrubs but I am SO OVER IT. We're even under a tornado watch at the moment. Argh...

  10. What pretty shortie socks. Soon I'm going to try a pair from Sarah's pattern with the tab heel. You have had so much rain. I do hope there were no puddles in your basement.

  11. I like your little Sew Red sampler very much. Four inches! We've been dealing with a deluge too. Turkeys are soaked and feathers are flat. Hopefully skies will be drained with nothing more to shed during your weekend. All the family kits will be missing everyone!

  12. The socks are so sweet-what a good experience! You will have such a good time this weekend; it's fun to plan your projects and books to bring!

  13. Pretty little socks. You really cranked those out!

    We've been inundated with rain here. Thankfully, we just had our basement done ($$$$$$$), so we are blessedly dry.

    I really appreciated/liked Westover's book Educated. It was a tough story to read, but she wrote it so well. It was such a compelling read.

  14. Such nice little socks, Vera! So springy! I'm glad you're enjoying "Babylon." It has a few pacing problems . . . but overall I loved it and found it very compelling. (Like you, I was grateful for my own upbringing.) We've had rain here, too, but not as much as you have, for sure. Enough to knock my daffodils over, though . . . (At least it's not snow!)

  15. My daughter loves shorty socks so I have made a few for her out of leftovers. I started a sock with the April yarn and have paired it with some leftover white speckled yarn. Very springy! Have a fun weekend.

  16. The socks turned out great. Have a good weekend. Safe travels.

  17. Cute socks Vera and shorty socks do go fast. Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Sunday catching up - our weather has calmed a bit and I hope that means you had good weather for your weekend. Love the shorty socks!

  19. Anytime someone mentions cookies, I instantly get a hankering!! Love your shorties (maybe those should go on my sock list...?), and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend away!
