Monday, April 4, 2022

Weekending 4/4/22

 Good Morning!

How are you?  And, how was your weekend?  Mine was lovely.  Friday ended up being a fairly busy work day and I was exhausted by the time that was over.  We made some home-made pizza for dinner which turned out so well.  We will often broil some eggplant slices to go on pizza, but Friday we used a summer (yellow) squash instead.  And some marinated artichoke hearts sealed the deal.  Yum.  I was pretty tired and was in bed by 9:30!!  That felt wonderful.

Saturday dawned and I got ready to head over to Dee's for some fun.  She took me over to Lambertville, NJ which is just such a quaint and cute little town.  We hit a coffee shop (of course) for some delicious coffee and knitting time.  Then we headed to Chive for lunch.  The last time I ate at Chive they were located in PA, but since then they have moved across the River to NJ.  Their food is always fresh and delicious.  After that we headed to Twist so that I could enhance my yarn stash.  Not needed by any means, but definitely fun!  Here's what came home with me.

The Opal yarn just screamed SPRING to me and the Crazy Zauerball.  What can I say?  I'm not normally a "pink person," but this ball of yarn kept reaching out and grabbing me.  I had to have it!  Such a nice day!  Thank you Dee.

I was home by around 3 p.m. and Fletch came in a little after me.  He had gone over to Colin & Mailing's house to repair their mailbox which had started tilting before the kids moved to Austin and he also took over some garden fencing for Mike to use.  Fletch and I sat out a short while on the patio - it was a little chilly with a breeze, but with jackets on, we were ok.  I had picked up some fried chicken for dinner and just made a bunch of stir-fry vegetables to go with that.

Sunday's weather was all over the place.  We had some breakfast and I worked a little bit on my stitching.  I was determined to take a walk, but the sun would come out and then it would rain, then the sun would start to come out again and then it would rain really hard for a bit.  We even ended up with hail in the afternoon!  No walk for me that day.  But I'm hoping to get out this afternoon.  I have one conference call at 11:30, so maybe early afternoon I can get out.  I need to drop off a book at the library and pick up some prescriptions at CVS too.  Nothing too exciting for a start to this first week of April.

So, tell me, what did you do this weekend?


  1. after a busy Friday I'm so glad you had a nice Saturday with Dee! Sounds restorative and wonderful!!

  2. It was a crazy weekend here too. I hope your Monday flows smoothly!

  3. Pink is such a delightful color when spring rolls around! I'm so glad you had fun with Dee on Saturday. :-) We had all-the-weathers this weekend -- from sunshine to snow showers and everything in between. It was too wet to sit around outside, but I did manage to get out for some walks between "showers." Here's to a good week, Vera!

  4. I love the yarn that followed you home -- those colors definitely scream spring flowers to me! I had a bit of a crazy weekend, but I'll let you read my post (which I'm about to write) to get all the details.

  5. Both of those skeins are beautiful! A friend was just telling me how good Chive was and that I needed to go there. Next time you're this way maybe I could join you, especially if it includes a visit to Twist. I hope you get a walk in today. I'm going to head out as soon as my laundry is done and I can hang it out.

  6. Such lovely yarn. I awoke to snow AGAIN on Sunday. It felt so defeating.
    I couldn't get out at all, thanks to wind, rain, and such damp coldness. Instead, I made some truly good chicken soup and a chocolate orange cake, both big hits. So glad you had a nice outing with Dee.

  7. It sounds like a great weekend, especially the girl time with Dee.
    Dennis spent Saturday working at the church camp doing drywall while I stayed home and did some cleaning and laundry. Yesterday was church and then we went to lunch with Mom and Dennis's cousin, Cindy who is here on business. She lives in Texas and we haven't seen her for about 35 years although we keep in touch through facebook. It was a nice relaxing day.
    I'm heading to the thrift shop this morning to drop off a couple of boxes of donations. I think Mom wants to ride along with me so we may do a little shopping on the way home.

  8. I would have brought that yarn home too!

  9. The Opal is a yummy color - perfect for Spring! I organized my sewing room this weekend and hope to do some sewing this week. I FINALLY convinced myself my neck wasn’t going to heal itself and went to a chiropractor - it’s sooo much better.

  10. I love Zauberball--one of my favorites! Sounds like a lovely weekend. We had almost an inch of rain overnight but it is sunny now--for a moment!

  11. I tried not to 1ook at a11 the snow saturday gave us. 4 inches. By Sunday it was near me1ted comp1ete1y. I knitted a 1eaf scarf and started a shaw1. NCAA around here too

  12. The weekend? When was it? Don't know why my days are confusing.
    I browsed a little in the yarn aisle and got a few cheap cotton skeins to play with for washcloths. What selections there are for scarves. When I knitted my 9th grade home ec teacher a cardigan with pockets and placket (55 years ago!), all the yarns looked the same.

  13. I love to read about your meet-ups with Dee. Some Spring yarn is just the ticket. My weekend, a neighborhood walk each day. Saturday evening was beautiful. I sat on the deck bench and hand wound a small skein of handspun.

  14. What a nice weekend! The new yarn is very pretty!
