Monday, April 18, 2022

Weekending 4/18/22

 Hello and Good Morning!

How was your holiday (if you celebrate) weekend?  I am still a bit groggy and just waking up after roughly 10 hours (!!!) of sleep last night.  It was glorious!  

Friday, Good Friday, or as my company calls it "Spring Observance" was a holiday, but unfortunately one of the pitfalls of working from home is that you are never, ever really away from it.  Friday ended up being quite busy work-wise.

In between the email dings and requests for this or that, I started in on some MAJOR cleaning.  Oh my!  Friday saw the bedroom and kitchen being scrubbed and polished.  I was mindful of my back, but honestly these things needed to be done (had needed to be done for months!!).

At the end of the day, sitting on the patio with a beverage, Fletch and I noticed that our Redbud had really begun to pop.

Saturday was another beautiful day, so I took down the curtains in the bedroom, living room, kitchen and office room.  Washed them all and hung most on the lines to dry.  The kitchen curtains went into the dryer because I ran out of room on the clotheslines.

Then I tackled my office room which was almost more than I could bear.  It looks so much better now.  I took some stuff to a donation box, so that is out of the way.  How quickly areas in certain rooms can just become dumping grounds for things.  Let's not talk about the bed in the guestroom....

It was nice to sit out again at the end of the day.  And nice to see some blue skies!

Sunday dawned a bit chilly.  After breakfast I headed over to the trail in Oaks that goes by the Perkiomen Creek.  This is the trail that had previously been closed due to a sink hole.  It was in the low 40s and very breezy - I could have used gloves and an ear band!  But I managed to walk 2.5 miles which was nice.  The trail is open and I walked all the way down to where the Perkiomen Creek spills into the Schuylkill River and I saw no signs of any sink hole, so it must have been even further along the path.  The only wildlife I saw were a few geese, one squirrel and a bunch of worms - LOL.

Later in the day I did dust and vacuum the living room.  Fletch had gone over to Colin & Mailing's house to finish the mailbox repairs he was doing.  Our Easter dinner was fairly simple.  We had some ham slices (from January!!) in the freezer, so I took those out to thaw.  I made a pineapple stuffing (what a 50's or 60's dish!) and then roasted some green beans and added a molasses-bacon glaze to them.  I had been hankering for a coconut custard pie but didn't feel like making one.  A local store sells some smaller pies, so I picked on up there.  It was ok, but I'm a snob and prefer my own home-made pies...I was just lazy that's all.

My plan for today is to just take it easy.  It is chilly again (I could see frost in places on the grass).  I'm hopeful that work will be quiet and I can just do some knitting and/or stitching.


  1. Sounds like your back is improving if you were able to do all that cleaning/tidying -- though I'm guessing all that work is why you slept so much last night!

  2. You managed quite a bit of spring cleaning even with Friday being a busy work day! It sure doesn't feel much like spring, but I hope today is a quiet one for you.

  3. That's a lot of spring cleaning, it must feel great to have it done!

  4. I shudder to think about spring cleaning here. I've got the lakehouse to do as well, but it's so easy that I can do it in less than a day because there is so much less stuff there.

    And no cats!

    We had Easter at the lake and it was very casual with finger foods along with a cake and pie I bought at the bakery. It was very cold (41 with strong winds), but sunny. We return to winter with snow for today and tomorrow (!), but by the weekend, the forecast is 80. Time to put the boat in!

  5. My, my, my! You did have the spring cleaning bug didn't you? I'm glad that your back tolerated all of that activity well.
    We had a nice weekend. Mandy's family and Mom over for Easter lunch on Saturday and yesterday was church all morning. We went to Brad and Mandy's later in the afternoon just to visit with Brad's parents. All in all, it was a fairly relaxing weekend although snow fell while we were in church yesterday. "Real" spring has to arrive soon doesn't it?

  6. Store-bought pie... makes me giggle. Rusty's the pie man around here but he, too, is sometimes lazy and picks one up at the store. They're NEVER good! ALWAYS a disappointment. It's been a while since he's done that, though, so I think maybe he's "seen the light." Haha.

    Oh boy, do I need to do some cleaning at our house... THIS WEEK!

  7. It was a quiet and cold weekend. I decided to stay home and do some sewing and listen to an audiobook. Woke to snow covering the ground on Sunday, but thankfully off the walks and streets. A few birds are returning and flitting around, probably looking for nesting sites.

  8. Glad you got some spring cleaning done! It sounds like a good weekend for it. We had wave after wave of sleet on Saturday but just clouds yesterday (til the evening).

  9. How good to get the cleaning done before the weather really turns nice and you will want to be out more!

  10. I'm tired just reading about all that you did! You had a very productive weekend.

  11. The red bud is so pretty. I definitely have flowering bushes on my to plant list!

    I have an extra long weekend becuase my company takes off Easter Monday too (they work with the Federal gov, which is off today). It's been a cold weekend, so not much done outside, but I got a few things done inside the house. I have to do our taxes today... ugh.

  12. Redbuds!!!! We are still weeks away, here. (But that's normal.) It's so fun to see them in your corner of the world, and I thank you for sharing them. Oh, my. I do need to get to some deep cleaning. Maybe this weekend??? XO

  13. Wow, you have some Spring cleaning done. That must feel good. Isn't it lovely to see the trees beginning to bud? Even though we had a spit of snow on Sunday, Spring and warmer days have to be around the corner.

  14. What a busy (long) weekend for you! But -- it feels nice to get so much done at once doesn't it? Here's to a quiet week :)

  15. What a full weekend, Vera! (I started spring cleaning before we left for Presque Isle but I have so so much yet to do! My dream of a "spring cleaning fairy" showing up failed, lol.)
