Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tiny Needle Tuesday 4/12/22

 Good Morning!

It's kind of gloomy out there.  But on the mild side.  I just opened the patio door to chase away some deer from the garden and Mabel came racing from out of the woods.  That reminded me that Fletch told me a Mabel story yesterday.  Our neighbor, Karen, has a little yappy dog.  I have no idea what kind of dog it is, but when it is outside it barks constantly.  Apparently the other day Mabel was in Karen's back yard and Teddy - the dog - was barking and barking and barking.  Mabel finally turned and charged and jumped on Teddy!!  Karen apologized to Fletch but said she had to swat Mabel with a broom to get her off Teddy.  LOL  I just hope that Mabel doesn't act that way if a fox or foxes start barking at her!

Yesterday was another very pretty day.  I managed to get out for another walk on the canal path before lunch.  No blue heron sightings, but there were turtles again on logs.  I was able to walk a little faster and actually a little longer (just under 2 miles), so progress is being made.  I'm not sure if I will walk today...my feet are a little sore for some reason and also it is now raining.  If it brightens up in the afternoon, I'd like to do some archery, but time will tell.

So here we are at Tuesday and it is time for a stitching update for TNT or Tiny Needle Tuesday.  Still no Adam & Eve in the sampler, but there are some new motifs that have been put on the sampler:

I didn't stitch as much as I thought I had, but having to switch colors slowed me down a bit.  There are more "animals" to be stitched and a tree in the center (under which will be A&E and around which an evil serpent will be wrapped).  Lots more to stitch still.  

In other news, remember when I got that strange flower from Trader Joe's?  A Protea.  I think it has to be over a month now.  Well, it is finally beginning to spread out a little bit!

The color has changed - it is not quite as red as it had been.  The leaves all turned a lovely bronze color, but they also started to get moldy, so I ditched them, cut the stem down and moved the bloom into a smaller vase.  It amazes me that it is still looking so good!

Other things I just realized:  my lilac is showing color in its buds!!  And Friday is Good Friday and a work holiday for me...though my work calls it "Spring Observance" so that no one is offended.  Both nice things.

May your Tuesday be filled with nice things too.


  1. I am chuckling at the Mabel story. We have some yippy dogs in my neighborhood as well... I think we could use a Mabel or two! :)

    Lovely stitching... and now the fun begins!!

  2. It may be that the pain in your back has/had changed your gait somewhat, and that can be the cause of your foot pain. Back pain can truly throw you off in so many ways.

    Mabel is so bold! But I'm with her on this one--yappy dogs drive me bonkers.

  3. I love that Mabel story! Clearly she's not a fan of yappy dogs. Either that or she wanted to play with the dog!

  4. I'd like to borrow Mabel to deal with the constantly barking dogs next to Ryan! We're putting in a garden there and hearing two dogs barking all day for the past two days almost had me jumping on their backs. Spring Observance is both sad and funny at the same time.

  5. Lordy, I'm siding with Mabel regarding the yappy neighbor dog! Incessant yapping/barking is one of my biggest pet peeves. (I've been known to knock on the neighbor's door in the middle of the night to register a complaint.)

  6. Mabel is a wild woman! Can you send her over here to deal with some yappy dachshunds near us?

  7. bold can be good and bad for Mabel--I hope she develops wisdom along the way, too! The stitching is coming along. that flower is still weird! but cool!

  8. Love the Mabel stories! And the stitching continues to be intriguing. I saw a blue heron flying over the ocean this morning and thought of you.

  9. I laughed when I read the Mabel story. I bet the dog wondered what was happening. Zoey barks too. I think it's a small dog thing. We NEVER let her bark unattended. We always try to stop her or take her inside. However, we have several neighbor dogs that bark constantly. I wish I knew a good way to train her not to be yappy. Dennis calls it "small dog syndrome!"
    I'm sorry about your back. A day off of walking is probably a very good idea.
    The stitching is beautiful and sounds like it will be a real piece of art when it's done.
    Take care.

  10. Oh, my...Mabel is quite the bad ass. Lol...

  11. Your Trader Joes p1ant is great! I hope you have a wonderful Spring Observance. It is such a 1ate Easter and yet we are not in b1oom by any means . We need soaking rains . The first danger in WISCONSIN is very high. Rain might coax the buds to open and Id 1ove to see 1eaves on bushes and trees

  12. Oh Mabel, the grass isn't going to grow under her feet. Sometimes I feel the same way about yapping dogs. Your sampler is coming along. I am happy for you that you are able to get out and enjoy walking.

  13. LOL, I hope Teddy learned a lesson about constantly yapping! The flower is even more interesting now that it’s changing color and opening.
