Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tiny Needle Tuesday 4/26/22

 Howdy There!

It's early...like it just turned 6 a.m.  I'm up early (obviously) and not really awake.  But, I have PT at 8 a.m., so need to leave the house by 7:30.  I realized that my back started bothering me after my last PT session.  I think Renee (my PT therapist) was a little rough with the massage and, perhaps, stretched me a bit far.  I will monitor it today and be sure she takes it easy.  Meanwhile, my weekend chores (laundry) and yesterday (more laundry and cleaning bathrooms - including scrubbing floors on my hands and knees) has not helped my back at all.

But meanwhile, onto nicer topics, here we are at TNT, or Tiny Needle Tuesday.  My A&E sampler just continues to grow and grow with still no sign of A&E.

There seem to be a billion little things to stitch (and one big bird, yet to be started) before I get to the stars of the sampler!  Can these things be growing on the chart overnight?  Probably not, but it sure does feel like it some days.  I do wish there were more color in this bottom section.  I am growing a tad bit weary of the limited palette.  Still, I am pleased with the progress I've made.

Time to refill my coffee cup and hopefully wake up a bit more.  Here's to a good Tuesday ahead!!


  1. Oh! But the little things are just charming! It's going to be such a wonderful sampler when finished, Vera. Press on! :-) (And same with the PT. One step forward, two steps back. That's recovery . . . )

  2. I was up early this morning too. It's nice to get up before the rest of the house and have a cup of tea and time to myself to catch up on the all the blog posts I've missed. The sampler is looking good. I can't believe how much you've finished already. I am in awe especially knowing all the other things you do all day.

  3. Good morning to you, dear friend! I hope your PT is gentle today and that your work day is over quickly! (and I am hoping that this rain holds off and maybe you can get a short walk in?)

  4. I hope Renee treats you gently today and that you don't do any more strenuous household chores until you recover more. Your sampler is looking lovely, except I wonder if they might have already been kicked out of the garden? :-) I hope they show up soon!

  5. I hope you have a gentler PT experience today. I agree with Kym that all the little bits on the sampler that aren't Adam and Eve are still charming, though I know you're anxious to get to the stars!

  6. How nice to be able to work on the motifs on this cross stitch piece!

  7. Oh, I think the crowned heart is a lovely little motif.

    You're doing an awful lot of strenuous stuff with a bad back. I hope you can take it easier soon.

  8. I hope today's PT was better than last time. Dennis thinks I tweaked my back when I was remaking the bed Saturday. I washed everything, mattress pad, blankets, etc. It takes a LOT of tugging to get the mattress pad on and that could have been it.
    Your sampler is looking great. I can understand the frustration of the limited palette. I need to start a sweater for Piper when we get back and also start cross-stitching some book marks for Christmas gifts. It's never too early is it?
    We took Zoey to Brad & Mandy's last night and it was awful at home without her. Isn't it funny how fast they work themselves into your life and heart? Mandy said Zoey didn't sleep much last night because she seemed to be looking for us. Tears.

  9. Here's hoping you're better after this PT appointment!

  10. I woke early for an appointment and yet I feel like I’m rushing to get caught up. I hope PT was more relaxed today. I know when I was hurting, the therapist pulled back a bit on the therapy.

  11. after a month of no stitching I did some stitching!! your progress is lovely!
