Friday, July 23, 2021


Good Friday Morning!

Yesterday saw me complete the cleaning I was needing and wanting to get done before Saturday.  A day early!  I still need to put clean sheets on the bed that one or two of the girls will use, and put sheets on the air mattress that someone else will use.  But that's easy peasy.  The hard stuff is over!  I even managed to make a run to the state store for wine.

And the weather was simply wonderful - about 60 in the morning and it barely made it to 80 during the day.  I stretched out after lunch to read some and then doze a little and actually needed a blanket.  It felt great!  Colin came over for dinner (ribs and chicken on the grill, broiled asparagus and summer squash) and we ended up sitting around a fire.  I hope this weather holds through the weekend.

Fletch and Colin picked a little bit from the garden for our dinner.  The first ripe sun gold cherry tomatoes and the very first figs!!

 Fletch and I also went over to Rob's garden and cut a few zinnias for the table.  I did not go in his "compound" as it has very tall weeds and I'm nervous about deer ticks.  Today at some point I will put on my wellies and go back over to see if I can pick some Roma tomatoes and some squash.  And I'm hoping there will be more figs ripe for the weekend.

My Friday is blissfully free of conference calls this week.  I have some work I'd like to do, but then I will tackle the grocery shopping.  Saturday I will just need to make some salads to go with dinner and wipe down the bathrooms.  Not bad!  There should be time for knitting and stitching some.

Cheers to the weekend ahead - enjoy!


  1. With a clean house and wine, I'd say you're ready! I wish you an easy time at the grocery store, some knitting and stitching time, and a wonderful weekend with your guests!

  2. Well done, Vera! I'm so glad you have a little time to relax before the excitement of a weekend with guests. ENJOY! XO

  3. yesterday was a nice weather day here as well. It looks like it's going to get hot again though. I am still all messed up in my routine cleaning schedule. I hope I get that straightened out in the next week.

  4. Oh, fresh figs! How wonderful.

    I got a lot done yesterday as well. Today, I am all about getting a little pesto made and into jars. First of the season!

    Have a lovely weekend of laughter and good fun with your friends.

  5. I hope you have as good a time with your guests as we did with ours this week. I'm sure you will. And it sounds like you're all prepared to be able to just sit back, relax and enjoy. Good for you!
    It's going to be HOT here this weekend and keep going up, up, up. By Tuesday & Wednesday it's supposed to be well into the 100's with an even higher heat index. Yuck. Thank goodness for air conditioning.
    Take care Vera and enjoy your company.

  6. Good for you! The balance of cleaning and resting is just what you needed! Nice to see the first fruits from the garden!

  7. Yay!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    I love figs, but I have no clue about growing them or even how to choose them at the store. We saw a few different fig trees (bearing fruit) at the botanical garden last weekend, and they're so pretty. How do you know when they're ripe? And then how do you like to eat/prepare them?

  8. It is good to have the cleaning done, relax and enjoy the weekend.
    Something is eating our tomato plants, maybe deer? Take care, have a happy weekend!

  9. We just did a harvest of a friend's overgrown vegetable garden while they are on vacation. I got quite the haul. In spite of the weeds his plants are doing very well. Much better than my pitiful specimens.

  10. Cheers indeed! I'm g1ad you are very carefu1 about ticks. It comes natura11y here. IF I am under and trees or in brush or anyp1ace on our grounds that the ticks may have bedded, I am up showering immediate1y. On1y one so far this year...on Fireman

  11. Congrats on getting your cleaning out of the way so you could enjoy the day! We had similar weather here and it was such a lovely treat -- I actually had to put on pants and a long-sleeved tee for my walk on Thursday morning! I hope you get some more treats from the garden this weekend.

  12. I know you will have a great time! Enjoy the visit!

  13. It sounds like the perfect weekend! It looks like we might get some rain today... looks being the definitive word. I don't think any actual precipitation is going to happen.

    Those figs! Gorgeous!! Well done you!
