Thursday, July 22, 2021

What's for Dinner? July 22, 2021

 Good Morning All,

It's early (not yet 6 a.m.) and still kind of dark here.  The sun is just beginning to show itself.  Tyg was not on the patio this morning when I came downstairs, but it is earlier than usual, so I expect he will show up soon.

I've another busy day ahead of me!  It's Thursday, so I've my usual financial reports to run, and a few folks have been asking for other data.  Meanwhile I did not get the cleaning done that I expected to yesterday.  Mostly because Fletch was in the way - LOL.  But he will be out all morning today, so I want to get my reports out of the way and then I can concentrate on getting some personal chores finished!

It's chilly enough that I just got up to turn off the ceiling fan in the office!  And, when I looked out one of the windows I spotted a fox running across the road to our neighbor's yard.  I'll go check for Tyg in a moment.

One of the dishes I made this week (in my new oven!!) was Baked Ratatouille, and it was delicious.  This is the recipe I used:

I liked the idea of slicing the veggies and layering them...could be so pretty...but I didn't want to spoon out some and only get eggplant or only get zuchinni (God forbid in Fletcher's case).  So instead I chopped onions, yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant and mixed in some minced garlic and fresh basil.  Sprinkled EVOO over it all and mixed well.  Then I layered the marinara sauce in my pan and covered that with the veggies.  I chopped up a bunch of Compari tomatoes and sprinkled those all over the top.  After baking it at 400 for about 40 minutes, I pulled it out of the oven, added shredded mozarella cheese and popped it back in the oven until the cheese melted.  There was one kaiser roll in the frig, so I split that, buttered it and added garlic and put that in the oven whlie the cheese was melting.  That was dinner!  So good.

This is a recipe that you could mix other things in as well.  Mushrooms would be good or some Italian sausage for added protein.  There was quite a bit left over and I froze a large container for later as well as put a smaller container in the frig for lunches.

Just checked and Tyg was curled up on one of the patio chairs, waiting for me to come to the door.  He's having breakfast now.  So all is well.

Time for me to get a jump on my reports.  Have a great Thursday!


  1. Delicious! This is the time of year when I'm looking for ways to use vegetables from the garden, so while we don't grow eggplant, I will be using this recipe for all the zucchini that seems to appear overnight. Thanks, Vera, and have a good Thursday!

  2. That sounds like a winner, Vera! Thanks for your tips, too. I hope your day goes smoothly, and all your tasks get checked off quickly! XO

  3. Ooo! This looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing it!

  4. This looks so good, and like a sort of lazy vegetable lasagna. I usually make ratatouille plain--no sauce or cheese.

  5. I love ratatouille. I used to make it all the time when I had a garden. I never thought of making it that way with things I can get at the market. I'm going to have to try it.

  6. I forgot to say that I saw my vulture chasing a fox all over my yard yesterday. That poor fox was almost pecked to pieces. The vulture was half his size but it had him on the run. It was hilarious. Every time the fox would come back the bird would chase him back into the woods and he was a big fox. I had thrown a milk bone out for the fox who comes every morning for a snack and the vulture took exception. It didn't want the bone but it didn't want the fox to have it either. I used to worry about the cats with the foxes but if they are so afraid of a bird then a cat would be able to stand their ground for sure.

  7. You have a good day, too! Enjoy your meal! I get worried when one of our girls don't come in at their usual time, too!

  8. So glad to read the sentence that Tyg was fine! I was actually holding my breath. It's been a busy morning and now I need to start working. Sheets need washed, the big suitcase needs brought upstairs and packing must commence.
    Have a great day and I hope it's not too busy with work. Knitting is MUCH more important.

  9. Yum, this sounds really good! I've always liked ratatouille, but I never thought to add mozzarella -- that just takes it over the top!

  10. That sounds like a great recipe. I do like eggplant now and again. I'm glad you kitty is safe and sound. I hope the work day wasn't too crazy.

  11. Hello Vera,
    The recipe looks and sounds delicious, I will save this recipe and hope to use it soon. Glad to hear TYG was OK. Take care, have a happy weekend!
