Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Felines


Intently looking for a frog or toad!  Happy Weekend everyone - enjoy!!


  1. What a sweet photo! The intent, not so much, but...

  2. Aw. I sometimes miss having a cat, but I'm enjoying seeing more wildlife in my yard... alive. A bunny last night!

  3. We have a frog hunter too. All we have left now is the turtles. She can't hurt those.

  4. The never ending patience of a hunting cat. That is a great picture with all of the plants around.

  5. LOL, Tyg is looking intently.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. That is such a sweet photo.

  7. Hahahaha! I think I need to build a pond for Relic!

  8. Adorable! I guess feline entertainment is cheap

  9. We had a similar silly situation. I got bait fish for the Wildlife Sanctuary today. I do their pick up about once a week. the fish man was apologetic and said he forgot the order. I said it was no problem . I asked if he could give me one little fish to let my cat play with. HE gave me two. Oh Fezzik just fished and fished and finally got one out of the big bucket they were in. I was busy doing other things after awhile and went to the porch to find the caught fish dead on the floor. I put him back in the bucket but he was a floater. Fezz stayed busy with it for an hour. I think, well, I know that he is in need of new exciting things. He's a busy boy or he picks one his brother. !
