Monday, July 26, 2021


Hello and Good Morning!

How are you and how was your weekend?  Ours was full and wonderful.  Friday was spent avoiding work (ha!) and doing some grocery shopping.  That night I made strawberry sorbet (which no one had on Saturday...we were all too full from dinner...but Fletch and I tried it Sunday and it is so good!!).

Saturday I got up and made a couple of salads to go with dinner - corn & black bean salad and a cucumber salad.  Then I put on my wellies and went across the street to Rob's garden.  The weeds between his raised boxes are high, so I wanted my legs and feet protected.  There was plenty of bounty to pick:


Several kinds of tomatoes and hot peppers!  I could not find the zuchinni - the squash vines (he is growing several kinds) are so huge and creeping everywhere.  Honestly, I was worried about snakes!

The rest of Saturday was spent taking it easy and waiting for folks to arrive.  We did see a few creatures though.  First up some cute fawns.  Their mama was under our apple tree munching on some fallen fruit.

And we saw two tiny (very tiny) frogs,  Here is one of them:

You know Tyg was pleased!!

Colin & Mailing showed up late afternoon and then even later, Leslie, Jaimie and Emmy arrived.  I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to see them again.  It had been way too long.  Here is Leslie (my best friend since we were 12 years old!!):

And then here are Colin & Mailing with Jaimie and Emmy.

The weather was perfect (a little humid at times) and we had grilled burgers to go with the salads.  Emmy kept us entertained doing flips and handsprings in the yard while we all caught up for hours on end.  It was late when Colin and Mailing finally left to go home and we went to bed.  It was over way too soon and the girls left around 7 Sunday morning.  They had a long (8 hour) drive ahead and were anxious to be home.

Fletch and I relaxed on Sunday and I ended up having to do some work (which I had avoided on Friday).  I found a little time for stitching too.

Now it's back to routines.  I have a conference call at 10 and am planning to go to the office tomorrow.  Here's to a good week ahead!


  1. It's wonderful that you got to see Leslie, Jaimie, and Emmy and had such a good weekend. It's also amazing how you and Leslie are still in touch after being such long-term friends. You don't drive 8 hrs. for just an acquaintance!

  2. What a lovely weekend (and what a great garden haul!!)

    I hope your week is hassle-free!

  3. so nice you were able to gather with those you love!! sounds like a nice weekend. Mine was good and almost normal - we are so close to being done with unpacking :)

  4. What a lovely time for all of you! I know your guests felt welcome and were well fed and happy.

  5. A great weekend and a much needed visit--how wonderful.

  6. It sounds like a wonderful, wonderful weekend. There is nothing like old friends who know us so well. We're also rekindling friendships with people we knew before we left for Spokane so long ago. Don't work too hard today.

  7. Zinnias! I love them. My grandmother always had a giant bed of them behind her pool and they were just so beautiful. I think of her every time I see one.
    Your weekend looked fun! I talked to my sister about getting together before our shots wear off. Maybe next month.

  8. I am growing zinnias for the first time here. They just started to b1oom. They remind me of my daughter as she 1oves them!
    Our weekend inc1uded heat and humidity. It inc1uded dinner with friends and 1aughter. I spoke to A1 for an hour p1us 1ast night. Fireman spoke to Zach for 2 hours!

  9. I love zinnias! They last a long time in a cut bouquet and also look great in the garden. Happy that your life-long friend came for a visit. I’m visiting friends this week in my former community - such fun.

  10. Hello,
    The zinnias are beautiful, they are one of my favorite blooms. Nice shots of your family and friends, sounds like you had a great weekend.
    Have a great day!

  11. Looks like it was worth it to brave the high weeds -- gorgeous zinnias! I can also feel the love you experienced from being together with everyone. Here's hoping there are many more moments like this to come!

  12. Sounds like a great weekend! My best friend and I have been besties since we were 12 too!

  13. How nice you could catch up with good friends. Zinnias - they remind me of my Mom and I love them. I picked the first bouquet this weekend and they are sitting on my counter. Watch out for the ticks - yuck.
