Monday, February 1, 2021

Snow Day

 Good Morning!

How are you?  How's your weather?  We are having a snow event!  Word on the street is that this storm will bring us more snow than we have seen in 5 years or so.  Forecast for us is up to 14" possible!  Here's what it looked like at 6 a.m. (still dark thirty):

When I stepped onto our patio to take this shot, I could hear the sleet hitting surfaces, so the awful "wintry mix" is happening.  The snow started yesterday right around 12:30 p.m. or so, and it is supposed to continue snowing through tomorrow!  And tomorrow, of course, is Ground Hogs Day.  If this weather keeps up, Phil will not see his shadow.  The wind seems to be back again too, which is not fun.

We were supposed to head over to Colin & Mailing's for dinner yesterday, but with the snow coming down we all decided it made more sense for us to stay home.  Boo-Hoo.  Hopefully all this will be cleared up by next Saturday when C&M are supposed to come to our house for dinner.

Fletch and I are both now registered with the County for THE VACCINE.  No word on when we will get it, but at least we are registered.  My brother in DE received his first dose last week (his wife still has not, but my brother has major health issues).

A little knitting was accomplished over the weekend.  Not as much as I anticipated, of course.  But here is where things are with the sock and the cowl:

I'm on the heel flap (Eye of the Partridge version) on the sock and am more than mid-way through the Interrupted Rib section on Heart Warmer.  In the mail I received my Darning Kit from Katrinkles so I set to work repairing a pair of Colin's socks.  All I can say is that I need practice!  My patches are quite uneven.

On the cooking side of things, I made Morning Glory Muffins for breakfast yesterday.  Oh boy!  It was like having carrot cake for breakfast.  Yum.  They have grated carrots and apple as well as crushed pineapple, coconut and walnuts.  I planned to take half over to Colin & Mailing, but now we are stuck with all of them!  I wanted something warm and cozy for dinner tonight with all the snow, so I took leftover Thanksgiving turkey out of the freezer and will be making a turkey pot pie.  Comfort Food FTW!

If this were PPD (Pre Pandemic Days), I would be having a snow day, but since I typically work from home these days, even though we are having a major storm, I will have to work.  Boo-Hoo.  Hopefully I can squeeze in some knitting and reading time.  I hope everyone had a great weekend and if you are in the storm's path, be safe and warm.


  1. Your cowl is looking awesome!! (as is your sock!) We have a snow day here and it is still snowing too (and of course Steve is working even though no one else is...sigh)

    Morning Glory Muffins! I have not thought about them in ages, but they are so good! Hmmm, wonder if I have any coconut....

    Stay safe and warm!

  2. Enjoy the warmth of home today, Vera! XO

  3. My MiL used to make Morning Glory Muffins and we would laugh about them really being cake, but since they were called muffins they must be healthy! I'm glad to hear about your registration and hope you are able to get your shots soon. I don't want to believe that it's going to snow for another 24 hours; they're currently predicting 14-20" here. Take care and stay warm!

  4. hurrah for being registered one step closer to getting it! we are getting 12-22 inches of snow. crazy!! stay warm and stay safe.

  5. Ali finally brought me her sock that needs mending... and a dress with a little situation to fix. I probably won't use the loom for that repair, but she said "visible mending is OK!" :)

  6. Now I want carrot cake. Or Friendship Cake. I still have starter for that in my basement fridge--that syrupy stuff you add fruit to.

    We have snow in NEO, but only a few inches. Still...snow. UGH.

  7. You've got a lot already. We're just getting light rain right now on top of yesterday's snow which is making a slushy mess. It's keeping The Mister outside doing goodness knows what this morning so it's all good with me.

  8. Great knitting progress. I’m on the vaccine list but don’t anticipate getting an appointment until March or April. Enjoy the snow day and squeeze in some knitting and reading if possible.

  9. Those muffins sound delicious! And I think it's probably just as well that you have them, because you're doing to need to keep your energy up dealing with all that snow! We didn't get as much as you're predicted to get, but it was enough that my daughter's school made the decision last night to close for the day. I was thankful that they made the call in time for me to turn off her alarm so she could sleep in this morning! Alas, it's still a working day for me, but at least I didn't have to deal with messy roads to go into the office.

  10. Be safe!! Nicer to work from home than go out in that kind of weather! The knits are both beautiful. I'm sorry you had to miss a dinner date with C & M!

  11. And all of our snow is gone and it's supposed to be 49F today! It's craziness out there this year, although I am NOT complaining. Almost 50 for my birthday? Unheard of. The sock is looking great but I love the yarn you're using for the cowl. It's so HaPpY!
    Take care and stay home, safe and warm.

  12. We woke up to snow this morning. It's just starting to taper off now

  13. Stay safe in the snow! It loos really pretty!

  14. You're coming right along on your sock and cowl. It's neat to see your snow. It's looking like we're not going to get any. I do like at least one pretty snow to see the flakes falling and everything looks so white and pristine. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. Hello,
    We had the wintry mix here too, maybe more coming today. Your muffins sounds delicious, yum. The sock is pretty and I love the heart warmer. Hubby and I registered with our Md county and I think our doctors office will also let us know when we can get the vaccine. Take care, have a great day and week ahead!
