Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 1/25/23

 Good Morning!

We finally had some sunshine yesterday and it was so nice.  Today, however, we are back to a grey ski and rain (possibly even some snow) is on the way.  I plan to stay inside.  Fletch plans to go out and run some errands.  He likes to escape the house when Karyn comes to clean (she is not what you would call quiet).

It's Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making, reading, etc.  Always interesting and inspiring.  Let's get started!

There has been a little knitting this past week.  I focused more on stitching (see yesterday's blog post), but still managed to knit a few rows (and not unravel any!!).  The first green sock is now on the gusset decrease and soon it will be smooth sailing down the foot.  I do love an Eye of the Partridge heel flap:

This sock is screaming SPRING to me - fronds of grass and leaves poking up for daffodils and tulips.  Still a little early here, but dreaming is ok.

The cowl (Simply Scrappy Cowl) is coming along nicely.  The pattern is designed to use a bunch of mini skeins...or leftovers from socks, but I am using one skein of Static yarn by KnitPicks in the colorway "Taos."  I love the way this is knitting up!

Finally, the mail this week brought the Lopi yarn I purchased to knit a hat.  I have yet to cast on, but the yarn is sitting in the office room just waiting for me to get started.

On the reading front, I did finish The Book of Goose but did not really like it.  As one reviewer stated, it felt like there were missing pages at the end...there could/should have been more.  On the other hand, I'm glad there were not more pages.  I found most of the characters to be not-so-nice - even cruel, and that is just not my cup of tea.  Not sure what all the hype is about for this book, but it just was not for me.

I'm now reading The Lost Art of Mixing which is a follow up to the book I finished the other week ("The School of Esssential Ingredients").  It may be that I am reading this one too close to finishing the other, but I don't think it is as good.  Meanwhile, I've moved to position 95 in the queue for the latest Louise Penny book.  Soon I hope!

Fletch and I are enjoying Mark Twain for Cat Lovers which we are reading after dinner.  Twain certainly could tell some tales (and make up some words).

That's a wrap for Unraveled Wednesday.  Thanks for reading and be sure to check out Kat's blog to see what she and others are making and reading (HINT:  there is another gnome in the making!!).


  1. Those socks do look so spring-y, Vera! We've got snow today (and it's about time . . . ), but I doubt it will stick around for long, because it's still pretty long. I've heard such mixed reactions to The Book of Goose. I'd been planning to read it, but . . . hmmmmm. Maybe not? XO

  2. All of your knitting is looking good, and both the socks and cowl look like spring colors to me. I really love the colors of Lopi you chose and will be glad to see what hat you cast on. Mark Twain for Cat Lovers sounds like it was written for you!

  3. I agree that your socks are decidedly spring-like, and I hope we see some of that green out in the world soon! The colors of the Lopi are great. Will you be doing colorwork? Stripes?

  4. that is one cheerful sock!! no sun here, we have snow today then changing to rain. (!!) I like snow but not rain as much.

  5. Fun projects are a must this time of year when it's so dreary and wet out. I need to go cast on some simple socks today since my knitting has been kicking my a$$ this week. Yesterday at the park I noticed the forsythia blooming. In January.

  6. Love that cowl and of course Lopi is a favorite of mine! We haven't seen the sun here in ages, it seems.

  7. I'm loving both of the yarns you're working with. The colour blends are so pretty. We're under a Winter Weather Advisory: we're getting freezing rain, then snow, then rain. What a mess.

  8. The green socks are perfect for Spring and for St. Patrick’s Day! The cowl is progressing beautifully: I’m tempted to knit one out of my scrap yarn.

  9. Green socks for spring, yay! I was just looking at that Mark Twain cat book yesterday and thinking I should read it. Thanks for the impetus!

  10. The snow they called for here is coming down. It's very pretty but I'm very glad to be inside!

    Your knits are looking great. I'm hoping to put a few rounds on the shawl tonight

  11. I just got The Book of Goose on sale for the Kindle but will push it down the queue a bit!

  12. The cowl is so pretty in that variegated yarn and for sure, let's dream about Spring. After your review of The Book of Goose, I think I will pass. I'd like one good heavy snowfall too but it doesn't seem to be in the cards. The snow storms generally track north of us this year.

  13. We have things popping up here too... I have snowdrops that will likely bloom this week... yes, in January. It is insane!

    I think that "scrappy" cowl is working up beautifully!

  14. Love the socks and the cowl--nice knitting!
