Monday, January 30, 2023

Weekending 1/30/23

 Hey Hey and Good Morning!

Wow!  I slept later than I have in a long, long time.  I did not get out of bed till almost 8 this morning!  Well, to clarify, I was up at 5 a.m. to let Mabel out, but went back to bed and (for once) fell right back asleep.  What a pleasure.

How was your weekend?  Mine was lovely as all weekends should be.  Friday morning I did do a little more baking:

Yes!  I finally got a donut pan (thank you King Arthur Baking) and I also bought one of their buttermilk donut mixes.  So good!  And nice that the mix makes just 6 donuts.  I want to try some recipes on my own (Fletch has been talking donuts made with applesauce), and I hope to experiment later this week.  Meanwhile, Fletch has taken to toasting a leftover donut at breakfast and the scent is just wonderful.

Saturday once again Dee and I met up for some quality time together.  We do laugh a lot and usually manage to get a little knitting done.  Always a good time.

After two meatless meals in a row (the vegan "balls" on Thursday and mac & cheese on Friday), I decided it was time for something else.  BBQ Shrimp to the rescue!

What a delicious mess!!  That's the pan prior to baking in the oven.  I also put some Italian bread in the oven to warm up - so friggin good dipped in all that bacon fat and butter with spices.  LOL  Sometimes I feel like just looking at this is enough to raise my cholesterol - LOL.  While I was prepping the shrimp I looked out the window.

I don't like all those wires, but it's where I live.  Winter sunsets are so stunning!

Sunday was a fun day too and a little different for us.  We went out to breakfast (a new diner-type restaurant opened recently just down the road from us) and it was so good.  Breakfast is one of my favorite meals to go out for and the new place did not disappoint.  After that we headed to a new Vintage/Antique Flea Market that is in Berwyn (actually very near my office).  We didn't find anything (I think it will be more fun to wander around once the weather gets nice and there are outdoor vendors).  I also thought that many things were over priced.

Sunday afternoon I decided to head over to Colin's to drop off the sheets I had washed and also water the plants.  I've wanted to get a rice cooker for some time now.  Colin suggested that I look at Assi in their housewares section.  Turns out their prices are much higher than I have ordered from Amazon and it will be here tomorrow.  Meanwhile, I wandered all over the store and got some very good deals on produce and also found some Asian foods that our regular grocery stores don't carry (Korean vegetable dumplings for example).  That was fun - because you all know I love food!

Last night Fletch grilled the most delicious lamb chops and I fixed some smashed baby potatoes and steamed some French green beans.  Yum!

Tomorrow I plan to skip a dinner that I set up for a work group, but I have to be at the office most of the day on Wednesday for a meeting.  I've ordered breakfast and lunch to be delivered, so need to be on site for that.  Here's hoping that after that I can stay away from that place for a bit!  LOL

Well, later than usual for me to be wrapping up a post.  I need to get a move on!  Hoping your Monday is a great one.


  1. I should remember that I need to eat breakfast before reading your posts! Now of course I want homemade donuts or even bbq shrimp. I'm looking forward to hearing about your rice cooker. I've thought about getting one, but don't feel like I really need another appliance (I could probably be easily convinced otherwise!) Hope it's a good Monday, Vera!

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! I used to make BBQ shrimp all the time for Mardi Gras but never thought about putting it in the oven. Those donuts look amazing and dangerous. Who could resist one (or 2) of those?

  3. I want homemade donuts!! What a nice weekend you had :)

  4. Oh those donuts look so good! I have that donut pan but haven't used it in forever. Pretty sunset, too. Wouldn't it be great to live somewhere with wires underground?

  5. What a sunset! We've had a little color here recently, but it's been so cloudy that it's just a hint -- certainly nothing that dramatic! The donuts look delish, and I hope you'll share any good recipes you find! Baked donuts certainly aren't as bad as the fried variety.

  6. Breakfast is my favorite meal to go out for! I am a sucker for Eggs Benedict, and we've been trying to make them at home but there's nothing like someone else poaching an egg for you.

  7. I’ve never made donuts, but I remember my Mom making them occasionally. Breakfast out is a treat. I usually order an omelet, but I love pancakes, and French toast, too.

  8. Oh, Vera. All your foods look marvelous and now I'm hungry! I had to laugh when you said that Fletch had "leftover donuts" for breakfast. Because, Vera? If I made donuts . . . there would be NO leftover donuts. :-) Two years ago, I got my first rice cooker ever. It has been life changing!!! I'll bet you'll enjoy yours. XO

  9. I like to go out for breakfast too. Every fall I think about a doughnut pan because I like the idea of baking them. I'm with Kym. There wouldn't be any leftover doughnuts if I baked six. Hooray for short work weeks.

  10. I loved breakfasts out. Since Sjogren's, I can't eat in public, especially dough and batter based foods. Damn. But I found Pete's pancake recipe and it is divine and easy for home. And now I want them.

  11. Sounds like a nice breakfast out! The sunset is stunning-we can see past the wires, just like you do!

  12. Your food does look marvelous and I laughed with Kym as well... no leftover donuts here either! LOL But that sunrise... wow!
