Friday, January 13, 2023

Another Walk Along the River Trail

 Hello and Good Morning!

It's Friday the 13th!  I can't believe it is in the 50's outside.  Such weird weather (again...or continuing).

My first week of medical appointments went well.  As I mentioned, my visit to the dermatologist early in the week was a good one (no spots of bother found).  On Tuesday I called to schedule my mammogram and was amazed that I could get an appointment the following day.  Even more amazing is that less than 24 hours after my mammogram my doctor's office called to say the results were in and everything looked fine.  Woo-Hoo!  I'm always very fretful at mammogram time.  My Mom had breast cancer and my paternal Grandfather also did (back in the 1940's!!).  I'm glad to be good for another year.

I had a Field Vision test yesterday and I have a follow up appointment with my eye doctor on February 2nd.  I'm sure that is ok.  And, next week is the dentist.

Yesterday was a grey January day.  Not very inspiring, but it was mild and the forecast rain ended early.  so, I decided to get out for a walk along the River Trail after lunch.  There were a few people on the trail.  Not many which is the way I like it.  About a mile up the trail is an abandoned railroad station on the other side of the river.  Trains still run along the tracks, but no passenger trains.  

Bare trees and cold looking water - a winter scene for sure.  About the same place on the trail is a tree that I always look for.  It is covered in a HUGE trumpet vine.

I'm pretty sure there are poison ivy vines wrapped around the tree as well.  I don't look all that closely.

On my way back I spotted some very pretty fungi on a rotting log.

The white one on the right almost is like a flower.  I love the shades of green in the other ones.

All in all, a very enjoyable walk.  I had to remove my ear band and my fingerless mitts as it was so warm.  I walked 2 miles and my back was fine!  Progress my friends, progress.  If I can get out today I will.  I think it is raining now and more is forecast.  I have a conference call at 11...will see what the weather is like after lunch.

Oh, I made a new (to me) recipe last night.  Bang-Bang Salmon in the air fryer.  It was quick, easy and very tasty and I forgot to take any pictures.  We had some spicy yellow rice to go with that (and veggies).  A friend sent me some red saffron from Turkey (bought at a bazaar in Turkey this year).  I had never heard of red saffron - only yellow, but I added some to the rice along with extra garlic and cumin and it was delish!  Tonight is home-made pizza - yum!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend - do something fun!!


  1. I love your walking place! (and yes, I spy some poison ivy as well! Gah!)

    That fungi... so amazing!

  2. What a nice place to have a walk. No walk for me today--we've got a thick glaze of ice down now and are anticipating snow for the day after a whole day of rain yesterday.

    At the end of my street, a trumpet vine has completely taken over a basketball hoop. It's such an odd and almost eerie thing to see. Clearly, no basketball has been played there for quite a long time.

  3. I'm glad you got such a nice walk in yesterday and hope you can do the same today. I went out for a quick one but it started to mist and drizzle so I hurried back home so I didn't melt. I'm not a big fan of grey days but at least it's not snowing! (Now I'm off to think of something fun to do this weekend.)

  4. You have such a wonderful place to walk!

  5. There is so many interesting things to see this time of year when the foliage has died down. We've got lots of poison ivy vines wrapping around our trees. I have to remind The Mister all the time not to burn the wood it's on.

  6. Hooray, for great medical appointments! The wait for mammograms appointments is over three months in this area - not enough technicians.

  7. I'm glad that your medical appointments are all coming back fine for you. Not having to wait a long time helps and good news always gives a lot of relief too.
    There's no walking here today with the feels like temperature of -7F. It's supposed to be 52F by Sunday! Crazy weather indeed. I'll be leaving Sunday so I won't get to enjoy that nice warmer weather.
    Enjoy your Friday Vera.
    Blessings and love,

  8. I'm glad you could get out and enjoy the warmer temperatures while they last -- because we have much colder weather and snow flurries here today, which means it'll be in your neck of the woods tomorrow, if it's not there already!

  9. I love a walk out on a trail. You found lots of beauty in spite of the gray day. Ok, now I'm thinking about your advice to Do Something Fun this weekend. Great idea as we are a little boring around here, ok a lot boring and stuck in our routines.

  10. So glad your dr appts are going well! We like good reports! The walk looks wintery but still enjoyable-so glad your back is cooperating!

  11. Such a lovely walk, Vera. Thanks for sharing it. :-) And so glad to hear you had good news all around! It's so comforting to have those tests/appointments all finished . . . with good results, to boot. (I hates the field of vision test. It stresses me out. . . ) XO
