Thursday, June 16, 2022

What's for Dinner?

 Good Morning,

It is the wee hours here in Eastern PA...not yet 6 a.m.  I woke to strong thunderstorms around 4:30 and by 5:15 I was up and washed and coming downstairs to put the coffee on.  It helps that I slept much better last night.

I mentioned that while Colin was here we grilled some portobello mushroom caps for dinner one night.  Wow!  I love stuffed portobellos, but these grilled "burgers" were simply the best, so I thought I would share the recipe.  They were super easy and super fast.

Marinated Portobello Mushroom Burgers

  • 2 TBS EVOO
  • 2 TBS Soy Sauce
  • 1 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • freshly cracked pepper
  • 2 Portobello Mushroom Caps

Remove the stems from the mushrooms and scrape out the gills (you can leave the gills if you like, but they kind of creep me out - lol).  Mix all the other ingredients together in a bowl.  (We were grilling 4 large caps, so I doubled the marinade ingredients.)

Place the mushroom caps in a shallow dish and pour some of the marinade on them.  Flip and repeat.  Let them marinate for roughly 30 minutes.

Get your grill going and then grill the caps for about 7 minutes per side.  You want them to be soft and to have released most of their liquid.

Serve on buns with your favorite burger toppings.  We had garden lettuce, red onion slices, tomato slices and some avocado.  I used a little BBQ sauce on mine, but Fletch and Colin had theirs without.


There was one left that Fletch had for lunch a couple of days later and he said it was still yummy.

Looks like we will be having more rain very soon.  I'd best get to work running my Thursday reports before we have a chance of losing power!  Have a great Thursday.


  1. Those sound delicious, maybe even better than the venison burgers we have frequently. I like that they don't marinate for too long so you can make them as a spur of the moment dinner. Thanks, Vera!

  2. My husband frequently makes me marinated portobellos when he's grilling steaks (I don't eat red meat very often), and I agree that they make a delicious dinner! My daughter refuses to eat mushrooms, and I honestly don't know what's wrong with her. But that means more mushrooms for me!

  3. This sounds delicious. Rick would eat cheeseburgers every single night if he could, and I just can't eat much beef anymore. These I could gladly eat. Thanks!

  4. We enjoy mushrooms a lot and are trying to cut back on our meat consumption so I appreciate you sharing the recipe.
    I hope your rain showers are just that and not of the stormy variety. We've had a lot of those lately.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. I love those too! A restaurant I used to eat lunch at a lot with my lady friends did a killer grilled mushroom burger. Sadly, they are no more but I still think about that burger.

  6. Oh, I do love to enjoy mushrooms--great recipe; thank you!

  7. Those "burgers" sound delicious! I make tacos using seasoned, roasted portobello slices and they're always a hit (an old Plated recipe that we frequently return to)... perhaps I'll share one of these days!
