Monday, June 6, 2022

Weekending 6/6/22

 Good Morning!

Hard to believe, but it is in the low 50's here this morning.  It actually feels chilly when I open the patio door.  The weekend was just lovely and not filled with many chores at all.

Friday I managed to get a walk in right after lunch.  I headed over to the canal trail and did the length (just around 3.3 miles up and back).  My back bothered me a little bit on the way back, so I need to pay attention and maybe take a day off from walking after 2 good walks.  We'll see.  A lovely blue heron flew up just as I crossed over the bridge about halfway down the trail.  It was headed to the Schuylkill River and I watched it as it turned to fly up over the river.  So graceful.

I noticed this sign on my way back:

And then a few minutes later this guy hopped over my foot (and, yes, I did jump!!).

Must be a good year for toads!

Saturday morning I met up with Dee at the local Farmers' Market.  After getting some produce we headed towards the local coffee shop (Backyard Beans), but apparently there was some festival going on and it was very crowded.  So, we headed to a Starbucks near my house...and the cafe was closed.  The drive through was open, but you could not sit inside.  We finally headed to yet a third place where we were able to go in, have some coffee and sit and knit and chat.

Sunday was filled with some errands.  But, the best news is that Colin and Mailing flew up from Austin yesterday!  They are here for a whole week.  They're both working and have plans to see friends, etc., and they have a wedding to attend Friday night, but we will get to see them some.  Last night we did see Colin briefly and dropped off one of our cars for him to use this week.  They have a rental car, but Mailing will be using that to get to her office.  Tonight Mailing has plans with work buddies and Colin will be over for dinner.  I already have a vegan meal planned!!

This little girl has been underfoot all weekend.  She can't seem to get close enough to us at times.  Last night after dinner I saw her stretched out by the bathtub upstairs - one of her favorite hangouts.

Well, time to pour another cup of coffee and get motivated for the work day.  I have a conference call at 10 and I think that's all I have going on today.  My plan is to walk after lunch and (hopefully) clean the bathrooms this morning.  Here's hoping you have a good start to your week!


  1. It is cold this morning! I was sleeping on the floor with Pup and woke up freezing as I had only a small light throw over us. When I opened the door to let the cat out I was shocked. Brrr.....but I LOVE it. This is the way summer should be. Although our weather people are predicting a cooler than average summer this year. That would be so nice but I am not holding my breath. They never get anything right anymore.

  2. glad that you were able to find a space to knit! Festivals and crowds tend to ruin regular hang outs... Love the Mabel photo :)

  3. Aw, Mabel gets cuter and cuter! We also had some delightfully cool weather this weekend. Even during the day, though the sun was warm, it was still very comfortable thanks to the low humidity. Such a nice break after the low 90s of last week! Enjoy your visit with the kids!

  4. Oh Mabel! You are so cute! LOL That pose! It was such a great weekend, weather wise! Have a great week with C&M!

  5. Wasn't it a glorious weather weekend? How nice that you'll get some time with your kids this week, that should be a real boost. And Mabel - that pose is classic!

  6. This is the kind of summer weather I love - cool nights and low humidity before the heat really gets going. It's perfect for walking! I hope you have a great Monday and enjoy your times with C&M this week!

  7. Oh I know how happy you are to have Colin and Mailing home this week. I feel the same when our kids are here.
    Glad you and Dee had a good time together but sorry it was so difficult to find a place to sit. Our farmers markets are starting up but no produce to speak of as yet. Mainly rhubarb, and I have my own of that.
    Take care of that back. Walking is great, but not worth a set back. Mabel is just the cutest and she knows you're her Mom and Dad and you love her. I've had two puppies on my lap every time I sit down. We're sure going to miss Lizzie when she goes home. It's like she belongs here with Zoey.

  8. Burton has days like that, where he just has to be with me at all times. But lately, all three of them have been pretty much in the catio at all hours until I bring them in between 9 and 10 at night.

    Love the toad. I did more work outside this weekend, but didn't see any, which surprised me.

  9. That Mabel sure is a cutie! Fred and George also love the tub - and they get right inside! Enjoy your visit with Colin and Mailing!

  10. The tile-rug mix must feel really good to Mabel! Enjoy the time with C+M!

  11. How wonderful that Colin and Mailing are “home.” I know you’ll enjoy every minute they can squeeze in to see you and Fletch. Take care of your back!

  12. Enjoy Colin and Mailing. I'm glad you and Dee finally found a coffee shop where you could sit and knit.

  13. The farmer's market sounds wonderful but the sitting/knitting and chatting is even better! Mabel is the best!

  14. Love the picture of Mabel in repose. Happy news about C & M! You have a great deal to look forward to!
