Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Little Break

 Good Morning,

Just popping in to say I'm taking a little break.  All is well...simply battling a nasty cold/allergies that has zapped my energy.  I'll be back in a bit.

One thing I did want to share.  A few weeks back, the lemon on our tree (house plant) dropped off when I was watering plants.  It was still rather hard, so I stuck it on the platter of fruit we have on the buffet and let it sit.  The other night when I was fixing salmon I decided to use it.  Yum!  It was wonderful!!  Tart and juicy.


  1. Wow, I'm impressed that you grew a lemon! Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Wow that lemon! :) I am with you in the hope that allergies soon become manageable (I am still miserable... oy!) Be well soon... and enjoy your break (if you can with allergies!)

  3. Very cool! I'm so glad you got to actually USE your lemon! :-)
    I hope you're feeling better soon, Vera. Be gentle with yourself. XO

  4. You grew a lemon! How wonderful. Take care and take as long as you need to feel better.

  5. That is a lovely lemon and I hope you're feeling better soon, Vera!

  6. Enjoy your break and I hope that you're feeling better very soon. The lemon is great and I'm so impressed that you grew your own.

  7. I'm impressed! Lemon make everything better.

  8. If there’s any left, squeeze some of the lemon in a cup of tea and enjoy.

  9. A lemon for the solstice! Enjoy your break!

  10. Having just gotten over my summer cold I can say--rest is what you need!

  11. I hope you're feeling better, Vera!! Have a great weekend!
