Monday, May 16, 2022


 Good Morning!

This is like a flashback for me to previous times...meaning pre-pandemic.  I'm writing this post as I sit at my desk at my office.  That is when I would post in the olden days.  I was up early, but did not have time to write a post before heading to the office.  Luckily I am not planning to stay all day.  I've already let folks know I'll be here till about 1 p.m. and then I will need to leave to go rest my back!  LOL  But it is true.

How was your weekend?  Mine was so nice.  I met up with Dee Saturday morning for our therapy session of sipping coffee, chatting, and knitting.  It does my soul good to get together with her - there is always plenty of laughter and we pretty much solve most of the world's problems while we are together.  Good thing we met in the morning because the afternoon was pretty much a wash out the entire afternoon.  A steady, but gentle rain fell.

This was a rhubarb weekend.  I mentioned last week that I had cut some rhubarb and on Saturday evening I stewed some of it with a few strawberries.  On Sunday I combined a bit of that with vodka and seltzer water for a very tasty afternoon beverage.

While sitting on the patio sipping, Fletch and I were keeping our eyes on this bird house.

We have Chickadees nesting in this house and the one bird (male, I assume) has been flying in and out of the house about a million times a day.  Must be many hungry mouths to feed!  I've tried several times to get a picture of him either flying into or out of the house, but he is way too quick for me.

I also managed to make a strawberry rhubarb pie on Sunday afternoon.  YUM!!!

I would have been happy with just that for dinner, but we also had some salmon and asparagus.

In other big news I have another finish!!  Remember my second French Market Bag?  I started that late in September last year and managed to knit up to where I would bind off and make the handles and, for some reason, forgot about it.  I resurrected it and knit the handles Friday night.  Here is is pre-felting:

Saturday afternoon I got it in the washer and it took no time at all to felt it.  Surprisingly it dried overnight (surprisingly because it has been to damp around here - I thought it would take a few days to dry).  And voila!

I do love the way it turned out.  It shrunk more vertically than horizontally, but it will be the perfect size for carrying a sock project or cowl project.  It was a slog to make it SO long, but it paid off in the end.  If I were to make one again, I would make it a little less wide and would make the handles a bit longer

There was a time when I thought about making one or two of these for girlfriends, but now I don't think so...takes too long!  But, there are always felted bowls to be made - cute, quick and fun.

Well, the troops have been filing in for the budget meetings, so I'd best wrap this up and get to work.  I have some stuff to keep my busy for this morning.  Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!


  1. That bag is lovely! I liked it before felting, too. You can use it for a ton of things. Bravo!

    Both rhubarb creations look tempting and delicious. You were busy over the weekend making terrific things. No wonder you need to rest your back.

  2. I'm also admiring your rhubarb creations - they look really delicious! Your bag looks great (and you can use it if you shop in NJ)! I thought about knitting some bags because our plastic bag ban just started, but I don't think I could stand to knit them large enough for groceries. Hope you have a nice, short day at the office!

  3. That bag is fabulous and that!!!

  4. The bag is wonderful - perfect for a Grab and Go project. I hope you have a good week back in the office. Keep your back happy!

  5. I love felting but haven't done it in a long time. Your bag looks great. Do you have fresh strawberries now or are they imports from south America? I guess I'm holding out for local strawberries! I do love rhubarb though!

  6. I love your felted bag! I remember when it seemed like everyone was knitting those a while back. Your rhubarb cocktail sounds delightful and that pie sounds delicious!!

  7. Such a great felted bag, Vera. Love it! And the rhubard pie looks so good. I hope your Monday was a good one.

  8. The bag turned out so well. That pie looks wonderful. Now I need to go peek under all the rhubarb leaves and see if I have enough to pick.

  9. Nice to see the finish on the market bag!!! It turned out well!

  10. I hope the day at work wasn't too long. Loved seeing your rhubarb creations. I plan to harvest some of our rhubarb tomorrow if I feel up to it. I still have the lovely cold/cough/no voice thing I brought back from London. I've been sleeping in the recliner for 5 nights because I cough so hard when I lay down.
    The market bag is lovely. I've made a few and I know how much work goes into them. I bought a couple of bags in London for carrying shopping while there as the stores don't supply bags. I like them both and plan to use them when just buying a few things.
    Hope your Tuesday goes well and not many hours in the office.

  11. Your rhubarb concoctions look and sound delicious! And the market bag turned out really well. I have made them and know how much work they are, even when you're working at a large gauge.

  12. I do so love a rhubarb beverage! :) And I love how your bag turned out! I have not felted for ages... hmmm. Perhaps I should try again... I have a lot of good felty wool!
