Friday, May 6, 2022

A Walk and the Cold Frame

 Good Morning!

It's Friday and both of my conference calls have been cancelled.  Woo-Hoo!  The day is mine...well, kind of...we'll see how quiet work is.  I plan/hope to clean the bathrooms and do some of my PT exercises.  It will be raining here shortly and is supposed to rain all day today and tomorrow.

Because of the wet forecast I decided to take a walk yesterday afternoon even though I had gone to PT in the morning.  I went to the River Trail which meanders alongside the Schuylkill River in Valley Forge Park.  I ended up walking approximately 3.14 miles (I use the app "Map My Walk" for distance purposes) and for at least the last half mile back to my car I was walking like a cripple!  I think it might have been too much with all the stretching and exercising I had done earlier in the day.

Anyway, it really was a pretty day and pretty warm.  I should have worn shorts and a tee rather than leggings and a lightweight flannel shirt (sleeves rolled up).  I was pretty sweaty at the end.  At the beginning of the trail from the parking lot, there is some movement on the river - a bit of white water (small, very small) and pretty.  Click to enlarge and with sound on, you should be able to hear it as well.

But not too much further along, the river is smooth as glass.

The next picture is not great - was hard to get a good shot with the sun out.  But there were some interesting tree roots on the path and they made me think of various patterns either in knitting or stitching.

I saw or passed quite a few people running or walking (faster than I) or biking and I saw one person in a kayak on the river.  I also saw this guy thanks to a woman passing me who mentioned he/she was at the side of the trail.

He/She kept sticking his/her head back in the shell every time I stepped around to take a picture.  Poor thing was probably traumatized.  I didn't spot the turtle on my way back - hopefully it wandered off into the high grass/weeds at the edge of the trail.

I sure do feel fortunate to have so many options nearby for pretty walks.  Next time (maybe Sunday??) I think I will head over to Oaks to the trail that goes along the Perkiomen Creek.  That should be particularly pretty after rain.

Finally, the other day I mentioned that we have a cold frame in our garden.  It is not huge by any means, but Fletch built one over one of our raised bed boxes.  He used old windows and some plexiglass he had and other odds and ends.

The tall, spiky things on the left are sweet and red onions.  Then there is a variety (I think 4-5 different kinds) of lettuce, some swiss chard and purple bok choy (which is still very, very tiny).  I'm not sure if there is spinach or kale in there yet.  Plenty to harvest for salads for the two of us and we've done that a few times recently.  Last night Fletch cut the few asparagus stalks that had come up and we ate them raw.  Delicious!  (I don't think I'd ever had asparagus raw before.)  Tomato plants are hardening off on the patio, beans have been planted and you saw that the rhubarb is massive.  

But what I am most excited about is that I found Gilfeather Turnip seeds on line and Fletch has planted them...and they are up!  Gilfeather Turnips originated in a town my Dad lived in for a short while - Wardsboro, Vermont.  I used to only be able to get Gilfeather Turnips when we would travel to Vermont in the Fall.  We would always stop in the local stores to get some.  They are sweet and very tasty!  I also gave a packet of seeds to my brother and he mentioned that he plans to harvest the greens too.  I had not thought about that, but it's a good idea, especially since you are not supposed to harvest turnips until after the first hard frost.

Growing up, I never thought I would be excited over a turnip - LOL

Well, Happy Friday everyone!  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and Happy Mothers Day!


  1. That is such a beautiful walk Vera. The river sounds so calming. I do like the sound of water running or waves spashing while I sleep. But it only happens on vacation and not in London! :-) The turtle probably ran away at turtle speed as soon as everyone left him alone. I hope so anyway.
    That cold frame is pretty neat. We're thinking of building a few raised beds that the bunnies can't reach and the deer would have difficulty. I miss fresh green beans and lettuce. Dennis would like tomatoes. Not a big garden but enough.
    Enjoy your "almost" free day!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. What a beautiful walk, Vera! Even though the walk was a little more uncomfortable than you'd have preferred . . . just think about the progress you've made. :-) Love the cold frame. It's a beauty. XO

  3. That sounds like a lovely walk although I'm sorry to hear you were uncomfortable at the end. The cold frame is very cool and it's great that you found those turnips you love.

  4. I'm envious of your garden. We simply don't have the room.

    It's so tempting to push yourself, I know. The line of Recovery and Overdoing It is tough to navigate. Enjoy your Free Friday!

  5. Congrats on having the day to yourself! I hope you take it to rest a little after your walk yesterday. I've decided to take a sick day today (I've been dealing with a sinus infection all week and just need a day to relax), which is just as well because it's pouring and miserable outside.

    I love that you and Fletch can have fresh salad from your garden! It's something I'd love to be able to do, someday. Enjoy, and enjoy your weekend!

  6. Yay for cancelled calls! :)

    Beautiful walk... I love that you share it with us! Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

  7. What a lovely walk, and I hope you get a chance to take one (or more) this weekend in between the rain. You are pretty far ahead on your garden and I'm glad you found turnips. John loves them, but we just planted regular old turnips. I'm not a fan but maybe I'd like Gilfeathers!

  8. Have a great day! The fresh veggies look wonderful in their cold frame-they obviously like it in there! I haven't had a turnip in ages!

  9. Happy Friday! I am really looking forward to getting out in my garden/yard this weekend and getting my hands dirty!

  10. I do love a good turnip, I must say. Our farm share is filled with tiny little ones (yay) and field greens (not yay, but I'll eat them anyway). Of course I love the turtle picture!

  11. I used to have a cold frame at my old house and I loved the early start I got on my planting. I keep saying I should build some here for some greens because the only good weather and sun we get is in the winter anymore.

  12. I've wanted a little greenhouse kit for a few years, husband is not interested. He grows in ground with amendments every year since it's clay. Tired of bending, weeding. swamp ground, I want a mini greenhouse!

  13. there is nothing like a walk and getting fresh air. You live in a nice place for some ponderings and walkings!!

  14. What a beautiful place for a walk. Getting outdoors is so helpful to my mental and physical health. Your gardening looks wonderful. Isn't it nice to be back playing in the dirt?
