Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/10/22

 Good Morning!

Oh my!  What a WONDERFUL massage I had yesterday.  Of course, it also made me useless for the balance of the day.  I was relaxed and did not feel like doing anything.  My back feels great and Chris, the therapist, really worked on the knots in my shoulders and shoulder blade areas.  Yikes there were a lot of knots!

It is still early now, but it looks like it could be another pretty day.  I have PT at 8:30 and Fletch and I need to do some grocery shopping.

A fresh mini bouquet in the bud vase, but also a fruit plate that is empty except for two lemons and two small avocados.  There are some strawberries in the fridge, but that's it for fruit and we are running low on fresh vegetables as well.

But first it is TNT or Tiny Needle Tuesday, and there has been an addition to the A&E sampler.  No, not Adam or Eve...yet...but the giant bird has joined the fun.

One of the things that cracks me up but that I also find charming in samplers is that things always seem to be out of proportion.  Here we have a bird that is MUCH larger than the dog.  Yet, it all seems to work out well together.  I am edging ever closer to adding A&E, but there is still a lot to stitch on this one.  Slowly but surely, progress is being made.

Time for me to get moving.  Despite the nicer weather, my head is chilly, so I need to dry my hair and figure out what to wear to PT this a.m.  Wishing you all a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. the work on the sampler is moving along--you do such good work!

  2. That bird better not try to sit in the tree on the other side! But like you say, it all works together, and is charming. (Still waiting on A &E!)

  3. Love the sampler, Vera! It's just packed full of fun stuff. I hope it's as much fun to stitch as it is to look at. :-) Like you, I am absolutely worthless after a massage. I've taken to scheduling them late in the afternoon so I don't feel quite so . . . guilty about it. So glad you got such relief from your massage! XO

  4. Ooo! I love that bird! :) and I am so glad that your massage was so good!! Good luck today!

  5. That is, indeed, one gigantic bird. This sampler is quite the assortment of oddments and doodads. I'm still chuckling at the Abandoned Alphabet that quit incomprehensibly at N whilst the rest are all complete.

  6. The bird is very sweet even if it is huge!

  7. Getting rid of shoulder and neck muscle knots is the main reason I get a massage. So many years I tolerated the tightness, and it got worse and worse. Love the new additions to the sampler!

  8. It seems like you've made a big leap on the sampler, but maybe I haven't been paying attention. Glad the massage was a hit, I hope PT is good as well.

  9. You've got a lot done this week! I've got a goose that is bigger than a sheep in my sampler.

  10. I really like that sampler. Script letters are avoided by me because I have to look at the chart for each letter. I'm not very good at that.

    Glad you are relaxed after the knot knock down. I tensed up even more because that hurt!

  11. my cross stitch pattern has a very large bird compared to the house :) Lovely stitching and that little bud vase Holly would nibble away the day at it...
