Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Unraveled Wednesday 5/18/22

 Hello My Friends,

How did we already get past the halfway mark of May?  Yesterday was a pretty nice day weather-wise though very, very windy in the afternoon.  We actually had to close the door to the patio when we sat down for dinner it was so windy!

My office visit yesterday was ok.  Very busy (which is a good thing - makes the time fly by).  Today should be similar and again I will plan to leave no later than 1 p.m.  I have a few stops to make on my way home and this morning on my way to the office I need to stop and have blood work done.  I'll be thankful for a day with no errands or stops on the way to and from the office!

Here we are at Wednesday again which means it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  If you read my post on Monday, then you know that I was (finally) able to finish knitting and felting my second French Market Bag.  I can't wait to use it!  My other knitting time was a bit limited, but I managed to finish some more rows on the Guernsey Wrap

I know it does not look much different, but it is 42" (unblocked...obviously).  Chart C has been fully knit once.  It will be knit once again and then a portion of it knit for a third time...then there will be some garter stitch rows and binding off!  That is still 143 a little way to go.  The difficult part is finding time to knit this week.

On the reading front, I am so happy to say that I finally finished Young Mungo Monday night.  I did not like all.  But I'll be happy to discuss it with others in the "Read With Us" group.  Now I am happily into Salvage the Bones and enjoying it very miuch.

Time for me to get going.  Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!


  1. The wrap is really growing! As cold as it is this morning it would be nice to have something like that to snuggle up with.

  2. Oh, I am so sorry you did not like Mungo. I just heard about a new book - Remarkably Bright Creatures - which sounds fascinating to me!

  3. That wrap is really pretty, and you've got plenty of time for a nice leisurely knit before you'll need to wear it. I'm glad you're reading a book you enjoy now, but I'm also glad you'll be able to join the discussion!

  4. I am halfway through Mungo and had to put it down for a while because it was so upsetting. I'm committed to finishing it, and I certainly hope it improves. The wrap is looking great, and even though the number of rows left is a big number, I have a feeling they will move quickly!

  5. Lovely knitting, Vera. And . . . I'll just say that Young Mungo is a lot more difficult and much "chewier" than Shuggie Bain.

  6. It's so unrewarding to slog through a book. Even getting to the end feels lacking. Maybe discussing it will bring you some worthwhile insights. (I hope!) At least you've provided a public service for some of us who haven't read it and are now aware of what we might have gotten into.

  7. The wrap is growing nicely and will be ready for you when the cold winds of fall blow again. We had a nice gentle thunderstorm for hours during the night. I sat here in my chair coughing and listening to the rolling thunder, constant lightening and gentle rain for a long, long time before being lulled to sleep.

  8. EVerytime I see that guernsey wrap I comment on how much I like it, and today is no different.

  9. yesterday was crazy windy!! Now we are cloudy once more. Love your knitting and you are making great progress!!!

  10. The wrap is looking good - you're making great progress in my view.

  11. One hundred and forty-three rows - you’re practically home free. I hope you can find some time to knit this week.

  12. Your Guernsey wrap is looking so lovely! Salvage the Bones has been on my TBR for a while and I'm anxious to hear what you think about it!

    (I am avoiding the Mungo books but am impressed that you finished despite how difficult it was.)

  13. Oh, that guernsy wrap is growing--

  14. Your Guernsey Wrap is going to be so beautiful. Good thing the patterns in those charts change every so often. Keep on knitting.
