Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday Felines and Other Miscellaneous Stuff

 Good Morning!

Thankfully it appears as though our rains have stopped.  Yesterday was a washout.  I never got dressed!  I did work and I did some domestic chores, but I stayed in PJ pants and a tee shirt and sweater ALL day.  Today I WILL get dressed.  And, hopefully, I'll receive a call that our taxes are ready to pick up.  Federal and State are e-filed, but local we have to mail.  And, of course, the firm will not e-file for us until we pay their bill.  And, I want to stop at the grocery store for a couple of things - home-made pizza for dinner tonight!

This was the way things looked last night:

Tyg on a messy table keeping me company.  Sock #2 started; spent tulips still in a vase and stuff EVERYWHERE.  A fresh tablecloth is on the agenda for today...along with general kitchen cleaning.  I have a conference call at 10, but that will be a quick one, so I should be able to get my chores done this morning.

I saw this mug on the internet somewhere and I need/want to get it.  I love crows, and this type of humor just appeals to me so much.

If you are looking for something new to watch, Fletch and I saw The Dig the other night and enjoyed it.  We both enjoy archaeology and this is based on a true story.

We don't have any plans for the about you?  Hope you enjoy.


  1. PJ pants and a tee shirt sound like a comfortable way to spend the day! no big plans for the weekend, but it will probably be a quick 36 hours back in NJ for some chores and bill paying. Yuck, but most likely some sock knitting for fun. Have a good one!

  2. My day is filled with chores . . . but it looks to be sunny so I'm hoping for a little time in my garden. (I can't do much, yet. But I can poke around a little!) I hope your weekend is a pleasant one, Vera! (And that is a great mug.)

  3. oh that mug! Great! It rained all day here, what dreariness. I'm hoping to be outside this weekend because it's going to be NICE.

  4. I have had plenty of Pajama Days in the past year! That mug is hilarious. We're going to have a great weekend, so I plan to plunk around outside a little bit!

  5. What a great mug!

    We watched The Dig last month, and both of us really liked it. I thought it was really well done.

  6. The Dig was excellent: I highly recommend it, too.I’m long overdue for a PJ day. I saw an ad for the cup but can’t remember where.

  7. That mug! :) Brilliant! Have an amazing weekend!

  8. We had rain nonstop here yesterday, too, and I would have happily stayed in PJs all day, but I made myself get dressed and go for a walk (I luckily have a very good raincoat, so most of me was dry). I hope your end of the state is going to get the same sun that we're expecting this weekend!

    I really enjoyed The Dig. I had some trouble understanding some of the dialogue (I think Ralph Fiennes was mumbling on purpose!) but I found it fascinating and had to look up some of the information about the real discovery afterward.

  9. Well, the sun is out today but that cold wind! Brrr... I felt well enough today to do some cleaning since my headache
    disappeared with the rain and the vaccine malaise seemed to be very self limited to two days. I'm going to watch basketball and lay on the couch, eat stuff and knit all weekend since I deserve it. It was an awful week.

  10. It is cool here so no pool fun for one little boy I love. We are in sweaters and long pants. I am hoping to get on with sleeve number two this weekend on the sweater I am knitting. Stay safe.

  11. Oh I love crows. Ravens too. Our local wildlife rehab is having a auction. They have a crow that holds a light bulb in his beak. Have you seen theses? Very clever. I need to get it for my daughter who also loves them! I best go check on the auction. And 60s predicted here for sat and Sun!!!!!!!

  12. You know, staying in PJ pants and a T shirt all day sounds like a win to me. Sometimes we just need a day not to be too productive.

  13. PJ's sound good to me as I sit here in mine! :-) We have lots and lots of crows around here and they are HUGE. I mean humungous. They sit on the peaks of roofs and caw at each other. They actually terrify me sometime. I think they could pick up a small dog or kitten if they wanted to.
    I hope you had a great Friday.

  14. We enjoyed The Dig, too. No car chases or guns blazing.. so nice. Good job on starting the new sock. I'm actually knitting today, a washcloth at my friend's request. Have a super weekend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. Hello,
    I am often found in PJ pants and t-shirt, they are comfy clothes to wear around the house. I like the crow mug. TYG found a comfy spot. I am meeting my sister today for lunch and some shopping. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  16. My daily uniform of black leggings and a top are just jammies pretending to be clothes. That mug is my kind of humour--smart. Have a good weekend and don't get too busy.

  17. I love PJ days! However, there won't be any of those until after we are done moving. Every day we take more stuff to the new house.
    Our plans for the weekend? Moving!

  18. We watched the Dig a few weeks back. It was very enjoyable!

    Tyg looks quite at home among your work space!

    Love your mug - definitely a good giggle!

  19. My house needs me, too--it does manage to get cluttered all by itself! I love the mug--that is just too funny!
