Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Walk by the Canal


Yesterday was another beautiful day in Eastern PA and work cooperated nicely (meaning nothing was going on) that I could get out for another walk.  This time I decided to walk the path that I love with the canal on one side and the Schuylkill River on the other.  There were folks out running and biking and some walking dogs, but again it was not terribly crowded.  I even saw a kayaker on the canal and another on the river.  This time my round trip walk was just over 3 miles.  My biggest surprise was seeing ice on the canal!

I had not expected that at all.  There were clumps of snow in the woods, but parts of the trail were covered in ice as well.  Our weather has been so warm it really surprised me.  The trail was also pretty muddy in places.  Even the ice could not keep the turtles away!

It was good to see them basking in the sun.  Also my old friend:

Still no mask on the dear fellow.  

There were a lot of clumps of pretty yellow flowers.  I believe these are cinquefoil.

It was so nice to be back along that trail.  Last year there were several trees that had fallen across the canal, making it interesting for those kayaking or canoeing.  I noticed yesterday that they have all been cleared out.

I did make curried vegetables for dinner (onions, pepper, ginger, garlic, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini) along with jasmine rice.  It was good, but not great.  I can't seem to find a really good curried vegetable recipe.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know.  Later, Fletch lit a fire and we sat outside for almost two hours - it was delightful!

Another wonderful day.  I am hoping to get out for another walk today, but first I have my usual Thursday financial reports I need to run and distribute.  Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Yesterday was beautiful! My thermometer said 62, but I couldn't resist opening a few windows to air out the house, and I took a good long walk. It's foggy here this morning but it's supposed to get up to 70, so another walk will be in order. Have a good Thursday, Vera!

  2. Woo! The air just smelled so incredible yesterday, didn't it?? I love these days!

  3. OMG, we hit 70 yesterday, with sunshine and a southerly breeze. My walk was heaven. I saw a yard covered in cinquefoil, all spread under a huge tree. So pretty! And I saw my first crocuses, although quite pale and a bit spindly.

    We've only got another day or so of this False Spring, and then we're back to the forties. But it's heaven while it lasts.

  4. Yesterday, I cut fabric for a Quilt of Valor and did some reading. I guess I’m still in the hibernation mode. Hard to believe the time changes this weekend.

  5. Lovely walk!
    Up until yesterday, we still had some ice/snow piles in the back yard. While it's been warm, the sun doesn't hit those spots as well. I bet it's the same for your river... they ice is still in a few shady spots, and then breaks free and floats on by.

  6. I'm glad you were able to get out for a walk yesterday. How fun to see the turtles and skeleton again. It's 26F here this morning but supposed to be 50 by days end. I hope to get some sewing done today on my summer dresses. It looks like my move to Omaha has been moved up to be with Mom as soon as I get my second vaccine. Dennis will be staying here for the time being.
    I would have loved to sit by the fire relaxing with you last night.

  7. I was all set to have a fire last night when we got a red flag alert. No fires for us. I was hoping it would expire soon but I just got another notification for today. Jeesh.
    We had to wade in and clear a lot of debris from our creek a few weeks ago. Lot so big sticks had piled up making it stop running and that still water was looking pretty yucky. It's running nicely now. I hope it stays that way.

  8. It was 61 when we got up this morning! Sadly the rain has come through, but I'm thankful it's rain and not snow. Perhaps it'll be what finally melts the lingering snow piles I've seen in a few places.

    If you find a good veg curry recipe, I do hope you'll share. I love Indian food, but no one else in the family will eat it, so it doesn't make sense to get takeout right now. But if I have a recipe, I can always make it for myself!

  9. It must have been a bit cold for kayaking! Do you ever used the Thai red curry paste that comes in a jar (Thai Kitchen brand) or the green curry paste or massaman curry paste that comes in a can (I get the Maesri brand?). You can mix that with a little or a lot of coconut milk and that makes a good curry.

  10. I talked with my Mom this morning (she lives in Syracuse, NY) and she said it's going to be up to 70 today! I asked if she was hanging out her laundry--she laughed and said no because the snow was still too high under the lines! lol Everyone is there is finding excuses to be outside! I get it! The view is gorgeous on your walk!

  11. Your walk looks wonderful and especially the big healthy looking turtles basking in the sunshine. I wonder if I could get a turtle for our pond? No advice on the curried veg as I've never made that. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  12. Hello,
    Your walk sounds wonderful. The canal, turtles and flowers are a pretty sight. I like your old friend too. I have noticed a few of our neighbors had fires too. Everyone wanted to be outside. Take care! Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  13. it hit 73 here! we had a great time out and about and the sun was out most of the time. Love love the skeleton! I don't have a canal but I do have a stream.

  14. It sounds like a gorgeous day, so glad you got to enjoy it. Stay safe.

  15. It was warm all weekend -- 50s -- but we were too busy moving to enjoy it. And it's supposed to snow tonight! That's OK. I'm more worried about work than the weather!
