Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tiny Needle Tuesday January 12, 2021

 Good Morning!

Once again we are at Tuesday and it is time for Tiny Needle Tuesday and some stitching.  First, though, I want to show you our sunrise from yesterday.  After I wrote my blog post yesterday (and posted it), I wandered back to the kitchen, poured some more coffee and looked outside.  Wow!

The color was so intense and so beautiful.  I came back inside and discovered that Colin had texted a picture of the sunrise from his vantage point - he was out for an early morning walk before starting his work day.

My office visit went well yesterday.  I only saw Bill and Tom and we all wore masks and kept our distance.  So weird to see other parking lots by my office completely filled with cars.  I guess a number of offices are back to being open...but not mine and still no word when that will happen.  My guess is it will not be until all can be vaccinated.

Meanwhile on with Tiny Needle Tuesday.  Only a couple of letters added this week.  I was busy with knitting and doing other things.  The M and the C are what I added.

It's coming along and perhaps this next week will show a bit more progress.  There are a few reports I need to run and review today, but after that I may have some time to work on this or my knitting.  Here's hoping!

It's time once again to pour another cup of coffee (and look out to see if there is another gorgeous sunrise).  Wishing you all a wonderful day!


  1. Oh my! That is a gorgeous sky!! (it is grey here today again...sigh)

    Your stitching though! I like how those letters are filling in!

  2. Hello,

    It is a beautiful sunrise, pretty color. Your needlework is pretty, the letters are looking good. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. You captured a lovely sunrise and I'm glad you shared it! Here's hoping you have time to knit, stitch, or whatever you'd like to do today.

  4. Beautiful sunrise! We have had a long stretch of cloudy days -- not my favorite, but at least it's not snowing or raining.

  5. What a vivid sunrise! Completely gorgeous. Everytime I see a sunrise with so much red, I think of the old adage, "Red sky at night, sailor's delight; red sky at morning, sailor take warning."

  6. I've been sleeping in lately and I miss getting up before everyone and just watching the day begin. The sun coming through the trees this morning sparkled on the frost and and it was so pretty. No snow this year but at least we've had that.

  7. Even, so, you did add to the sampler and that is good! The sunrise is amazing--look at that color!

  8. It’s magnificent when nature’s beauty jump starts the day. I hope you have a fabulous week.

  9. What a pretty sunrise. We've had so many clouds lately that sunrise has been blah, sunsets too.
    The sampler is turning out so pretty and fun too.

  10. That photo is perfection!

    I really like your cross-stitch, I can't wait to see if develop.

  11. Our province is still really locked down, so no being allowed in the office unless you absolutely can't do it from home. I was talking to my boss the other day - 90% of our company has been working from home since the pandemic, and he's saying the executives are talking about keeping it that way, or close to it. Saving the money on realestate and all - maybe leasing smaller spaces with a few shared offices and some meeting spaces. It's wild.

    You sampler is looking lovely, I love the randomness of the design

  12. I'm enjoying following your progress on this sampler. I have written comments on several blogs about how I hope to do a little embroidery this year. Perhaps I should put my needle where my mouth is . . . I do have one small quilt project that has been languishing for quite a long time. I'd like to finish it before starting something else but then again maybe not.

  13. It was fun to see the progress you're making on the x-stitch. One of these days I'll try another one. I have a pattern and the materials for a cute little house.. not sure where.. I think in my box of sewing fabric. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. the sunrises here have been beautiful! Love the progress of your stitchery!

  15. It's a shame these magnificent skies are brief. Great capture.
